Its all Dean's fault Pt. 1

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"Dean, this is serious."


Castiel steps back, huffing."Then what do you consider serious?"

"Hmm," Dean taps his chin for a second before dipping over the desk, pulling at a strand of dark hair from Castiel's head, and starts to twirl it. "How about this damn haircut?"

"How about yours?" Castiel snaps, slapping Deans hand away, blushing profoundly.

Dean chuckles, as if Castiel is some sort of a joke. And honestly, while its pissing him off, it's also making him want to laugh along too.

Damn you, Castiel thinks, and your stupid adorable laugh. Shut up!

"Does anything effect you?" Castiel growls.

Dean puts on a look of thought. "Yup, but I doubt you'll find out."


"Aw, Cas, don't be like that."


"What?" Dean asked, his eyebrow lifting dramatically. Put that eyebrow down you low life peace of shi- "You don't like nicknames?"

"We aren't friends, Dean." Castiel dead panned.

"Wow, Cas, that really hurt me." Dean points to his heart, and patted his chest in sympathy. "Right here. I don't think I'll ever recover from such heart break!"

Castiel scoffed, putting his head into his hands. "Now your'e acting like my brother."

"Ah, and at this point your'e acting like mine."

"Can we just get to work?"

Dean smiled, a big gummy smile before leaning in across the desk, slowly, slowly, slowly...


For a second, Castiel was dumbfounded. I'm breathing the same air as him right now.

"Just kill me already." Castiel mumbled as soon as Dean pulled away, a confident smile being engraved into his lips.

"Stop messing around Castiel and get to work!" Mrs. Bennett, their math teacher, reprimanded in a heart beat after overhearing him, her dark bun pulling in her already full of Botox face.

Castiel gaped as she walked away and didn't dare look at Dean laughing his ass off across from him.

I hate you so much. He thought while he furiously started to answer the stupid math questions on his paper. It's all Dean's fault!


Why are his eyes so green?

Castiel should stop thinking about this all together, but it was always on his mind.

How the hell did it even grow to be on his mind? Well, Cas would first blame God. Cause, God dammit, God just had to have Dean be born with stupid, brilliant, bright and glorious orbs of glowing green.

Then he would blame himself because he literally just called himself Cas.

It's at a tipping point. Kinetic or potential energy. That sickening pause before the roller-coaster slowly dips down before the plunge. A mid air paused canon ball into a pool. The 3 second mid-air walk before the cartoon character realizes that Gravity is fucking real and drags him down to hell.

Well, not hell, but if Castiel was going to hell then it was because of Gravity and Dean is fucking Gravity.

Well, not fucking, why would Dean fuck anyone? Well, anyone except for Cas.

You see? It's exactly things like that that have him on edge.

He realized needs to stop saying (thinking, actually) the word well, he also needs to stop thinking (saying? What even is it at this point?) about fucking and Dean in the same sentence.

Maybe he just needs a therapist.

Maybe I need to shut myself up.

"Earth to Cas? You in there? Hm, just wait lemme get my guitar and I can perform you some stuff from Close Encounters: The Third Kind." Dean interrupted, unknowingly so, with his cocky smirk.

Castiel blinked before glaring at Dean. "Are you implying that I am not human?"

"In a certain context that would be considered a compliment."

Cas raised a questioning eyebrow. "And in what certain context would it be an insult?"

Dean just kept his cocky smirk on in reply and flicked the middle of Castiel's forehead. "Sassy today, aren't you?"

"No, it's just your around and I can't think straight when I see you."

Cas thought he may have seen Dean's cheeks blush slightly before he replied back, but he let it go.

"Yeah? How's that?"

"Well, let's start with the fact that all I see is red and I have this intense need to grab your neck and wrangle it." Castiel replied, smiling slightly.

Dean just laughed.

He fucking laughed.

"You know Cas, I rather enjoy our little talks."

"Glad I could provide some sort of entertainment."

"Your just some sassy asshole aren't you? All this time I thought you were this nerdy, innocent virgin. Now I'm not even surprised." Dean wondered, shrugging his shoulders as he sat comfortably next to Castiel.

Cas just silently went back to work, hoping his God damn heart beat would shut the fuck up and slow down.

But Dean was thinking about his virginity.

"Innocence? Dean, I believe all my innocence left when you spoke to me back in 3rd grade."

"Oh, you remember that?"

"Dean, I remember everything."

"Yeah? How come?"

"Because your my neighbor, and every morning I wake up, walking to school and I see your face as a constant reminder of how you've scarred my own child hood."

Dean looked a bit too happy at that sentence, but then chuckled. "Your'e saying it like I sexual assaulted you."

Castiel found himself smiling, while finishing up the problem. "Who knows, you've might have forgotten, but then again I remember everything!"


Castiel looked at Dean, who was smiling his cheeky little smile of his that Castiel knew so well after all these years, while Dean leaned in close.

"Can you forget this?"

And just like that, only three little seconds, in the corner of Mrs. Hernandez's classroom, completely alone...

Dean Winchester kissed Castiel Novak.

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