Its all Dean's Fault Pt. 2

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Castiel wishes he could forget it.

Soft...soft lips...

How can he show his face to Dean tomorrow? It haunts him, and worse of all, for those seconds Castiel kissed back! It was like putting oil in the fire, Dean kissing him was bad enough...

Well, it wasn't bad.

But why? Why did Dean kiss him? Was it just Dean being Dean? That would be the more probable reason, the not so probably reason was that Dean liked him.

What if Dean did like him?

Castiel turned over in his bed, clutching his pillow while softly grazing his lips with his free hand.

Would Dean want to be in a relationship?

He turned over again.

Wouldn't being in a relationship require people to like each other?

Do I like Dean?

Castiel felt his stomach clench, but not in a bad way, more like he was on a roller coaster. It felt exciting, and fun. Castiel wouldn't admit it earlier, but after what Dean did, Castiel realized that being around Dean was like being on a roller coaster.

Dean gave him an adrenaline rush.

With just one little touch of a hand, or a smirk...damn, what the hell is Dean doing to him?

Of course, Castiel had thought of Dean like that. Once...okay a few times, but that was all back in 8th grade. Back then, at that age, Castiel found out he was gay because of Dean. (And a bunch of other experimental things...that he'd rather not talk about)

Dean...was a lot of things to Castiel. Annoying, adorable, stupid, hilarious, self-centered, strong, independent, clever...his neighbor...a crush...but he never thought that boyfriend could be one.

Back in eighth grade, that's what he used to dream about.

Now, it's not eighth grade...and a lot of things happened then, but still, Dean kissed him.

Not Castiel, Dean.

So...what does that mean to Castiel?

That I would like to kiss him again.

Castiel's eyes widened, then dawned at that realization. Okay, maybe he does still like Dean, but...but that doesn't mean that Dean likes him, despite what he did.

And that, that horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach at the uncertainty, is why Castiel didn't like anybody before he realized this.

Dean was in the same predicament.

Honestly, he doesn't know why he kissed Cas...they really aren't friends anymore...but still...

Cas just looked so perfect! Smirking in that asshole way he did and then looking at him like that, Dean felt things in his stomach that just flipped over and over...

It reminded him of pancakes...

"What are you thinking about?"

Dean snapped out of his thoughts, looking up at his mother who seated herself across from him. She passed him a steaming cup of coffee and smiled.

"Now come on, I know you stay up, but never this late. Drink up and tell your momma." She pushed.

Dean chuckled slowly and blushed a bit. He hasn't really talked about his feelings with his mother that often, some could say he was more built like his father, but sometimes she catches him like this...and he really can't hold back from her honest eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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