Am I dreaming?

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You were still in complete shock sitting in your office. How could this happen. Five minutes - that is time to complicate your life into hell of a universal scale. You worked with BTS for only a few months, and rarely met with them. Only when malicious information about them appeared. Then you had to personally meet with them and solve this situation. You only saw them a few times. The first time you personally met them you were in complete shock, the photos do not convey how beautiful and charismatic they are. You then thought that it was the best first working day in a new place.
But now you didn’t know what to do and where to run. You sat and looked at the screen. That’s all what you could do now. You barely struggled with the desire to throw a laptop into the wall, hoping that along with this the problem would disappear. You pushed the laptop away and fell onto the table. How should you solve this? Jeon  Jungkook how did you manage to screw up like that ?! You squealed loudly trying to at least somehow calm down. You looked at the envelope without a return address and you shivered. Who nowadays sends discs. When you came to work it was lying on your desk. No signs of trouble. You took out a disc and turned on the video.
Loud moans filled your office. You quickly paused and looked around. It’s so good that you come before everyone else. You quickly reduced the sound and turned on the video again, or rather it was a black screen and moans. Someone clearly had hard sex. You looked at the envelope and could not understand why it was on your desk, this is some kind of joke. Someone from your colleagues decided to play with you. Suddenly the black screen disappeared and a video appeared. To say that you were shocked is to say nothing. The video was of Jungkook, who was hard fucking some girl lying on her stomach at the edge of the table. It was happening in some kind of VIP-room, judging by the bottles on the table.
You didn’t immediately realize that you were sitting with your mouth open and watching the movements of Jungkook’s hips. His gorgeous face reflected the pleasure wich he received. His body was tremendous. Tense muscles of the hands that dig into the girl’s hips. Broad chest, embossed abdominal muscles, muscular hips. But most of all - his cock, you practically groaned. You were impressed by his size. He was a maknae in the group, but looking at the screen now, it just flew out of your head. You quickly closed your laptop. Your breathing was too fast, and the heat between your legs spread throughout your body. You quickly drove all the vicious thoughts out of your head. First of all, you should think about completely different things. You have to find out who sent it, now it threatened an incredible scandal. You were about to call all the managers but stopped. You must first find out everything, and not just bring them a disk with a sex video on which Jungkook.
You picked up the phone and dialed the security number. You were just in shock when they told you that there was an update today and the cameras did not work all night. So you can’t find out who sent it. Then you need to start on the other side. You took your cellphone out of your bag and dialed the number
“Hello …” a sleepy voice moaned to you. It was definitely too early. But the matter could not wait.
“Good morning, Jungkook. We can meet? It’s immediate case”you said quickly.
“Okay, nuna. I’ll be there soon ” there was a feeling that as soon as he hung up he would fall asleep again. You hoped that he would come as soon as possible.
You knew that he had to be careful lately. This could bring him very serious problems. You decided to first deal with the situation yourself, without involving management. You took the stickers from the table and turned on the video again, paused it. You quickly stuck stickers on his naked body, leaving only his face. But even despite this, the picture in your head was too detailed. You must be a professional. Anger filled you. You quickly closed your laptop and put it in your bag. Taking the phone, you sent Jungkook the address of your personal studio. The fewer people will know about it the better. You quickly packed up and left the main office.
All the way you could not get this video out of your head. This is not what you should think about. You should think about who sent it, and most importantly for what purpose. Judging by the date in the corner, it was recorded on the first day you joined the company. Then why is it sent right now. Now the only one who comes to mind is the girl with the video. You need to find out who she is and whether she was the author of this video. If not, then the problem is much more serious than you might think.

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