The truth

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The week passed in a fog, as your department worked with everyone, which meant that absolutely every permanent and temporary employee of the building had access. You decided to look at the personal files of those who came to the company after the moment of recording the video. You knew this was unlikely to help, but you had to do something. But you find out a lot about this place. Closed club only for idols. If this is really someone from the staff, then the director of this club will do everything to deal with everything quietly and without noise. It reassured you. It remains to find the one who left it and threw it into your office. Most likely this is the same person. Today was Friday, you are lucky to have three days off ahead. You didn’t think you could look someone in the eye after what you were going to do. You sincerely hoped they wouldn’t fire you or worse.
You returned to the apartment and fell on the bed when the rang phone. You got up and went to the bag behind the phone. Your heart sank in heel when you saw the name ‘Jeon Jungkook’ on the screen. You picked up the phone with trembling hands.
“Jungkook, what happened?” all the worst scenarios flashed through your head, and how you should deal with it.
“Nothing, nuna. Everything are good.“ you almost fell to the floor in relief.
“When I saw your call, I thought that the video appeared somewhere”
“No, I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow.”
“Do you think I can forget about it?” you shook your head. “How can I forget about what I think every second,” you sighed out loud.
“I’m sorry to made problems again”
“You have the right to privacy, you thought you would be safe in this place. I’m sure you’re not the only one who was filmed on video. This time this problem is much more serious, and you are a victim. I do not approve that you had sex in such a place, but on the other hand, if you were photographed with a girl entering the motel, it would be much worse. ”
“It so happened, that we are going to the club tomorrow. I wanted to ask if you would come with us, and then we could go to that place.”
“Did you tell the guys about the video?”
“No, nuna. I didn’t tell. It was too embarrassing. ”
“I understood. No, it’s better for me not to appear, it will raise too many questions. Meet me at that place. You can drink a little to smell of alcohol, but don’t get drunk. ”
“Okay nuna. I’ll write when I will go there.”
"Okay. Bye.”
You disconnected and went back to bed. You crawled under the covers, and hoped that today you could even get a little sleep. Your body ached from sexual dissatisfaction. All week you had very depraved dreams about Jungkook. It was too hard for you.
The next morning was calm, and you were free for noon. You decided to spend time in the spa, you needed a boost of energy. After you returned home and stood in front of the closet trying to choose an outfit. Your style at work has always been rigorous, and you always chose oversized suits. But that was not suitable for tonight. You have chosen a mini dress with a deep neckline and stilettos. You made sexy makeup, and your curls fell on your bare shoulders. You looked at yourself in the mirror and startled. It was too frank for you, or rather, you dressed like that a very long time ago. You threw a bottle of whiskey in the front seat and started the car. Well, let’s start the show.
You drove up to the CLUB and parked in a dark alley. Jungkook stood there leaning on the wall. You got out of the car and headed for him. You approached him, but he didn’t react at all to you, or rather to your bare legs, because he was looking at the ground. You smiled to yourself.
“Jungkook” you called him, and he sharply raised his head. He looked at you with wide eyes. You practically laughed when his face turned red while he examined you. “Strange yes,” you said, looking at your clothes.
“Nuna… _______, you look gorgeous!” he ran a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry, but we need to look drunk and the couple who came to have fun. Therefore, do not take my actions personally.” You reached him and touched his lips with your lips, leaving a trace of lipstick on his lips. You ran your fingers over his lips, smearing the lipstick, removing only a slight trace. You ran your fingers into his too-perfect hair and pulled, giving them a mess. You unfastened half the buttons on his shirt and buttoned again, skipping a few buttons so that it would seem that the shirt was buttoned too quickly. You leaned over and inhaled its smell, all this time you tried not to react to the heat between your legs and the pulsation in your clit when you touched his body. He  absolutely did not smell of alcohol. You went back to the car and took out a bottle of whiskey. Jungkook only silently watched you with his mouth open.
“What is it?” he pointed to the bottle.
“We should seem drunk, but you don’t smell  alcohol at all”
“I did not drink”
“Then it’s clear, it’s even better.” you opened the bottle and take sip whiskey, and then spat out the liquid. You handed him a bottle and he did the same. You threw the bottle back into the car and closed the car. You started to move towards the entrance, but he stoped you, grabbing your hand.
“Sorry, _______, but you look too perfect compared to me.” he pushed you into the wall. His hand weaved into your hair, and his teeth left a few bites on your neck and shoulders. Everything inside you screamed. That was too much for you. You could not restrain a moan when his hands stroked your body, and his fingers dug into your skin through the dress. He moved away from you, and for a second you forgot everything and wanted to pull him back for a kiss. But you quickly came to your senses and clear your minds. He looked at you and smiled lustfully. “Now you look more like the person who did this to me,” he said, pointing to his messy clothes and hair. And why did you even decide that you can handle it?
He hugged you pulling closer to his body and you went to the entrance.
“Ohhh, Jungkook. My dear boy, I have not seen you for a long time, you are not alone today. Something new … Although … "the manager did not finish the proposal, so he worked the night the video was shot.
“Oppa, did you bring anyone else here? Didn’t you say that I’m the only one you brought here? ” you slapped him lightly on the chest. You tried to sound drunk and jealous as much as possible. You pouted your lips … (God, what a horror, you wanted to hit yourself for such behavior.)
“No, no, my baby. You are the only one I love.” He hugged you and kissed you. Because of his words, warmth has passed through your body.
The manager just smiled and led you into a separate room. “Enjoy the evening,” he bowed and went out, closing the door after him. As soon as he closed the door you sat on the sofa covering your face with your hands “What a horror. How embarrassing. Just kill me ” you whined trying to accept what just happened, but this was only the beginning.
“Nuna, please warn me when you are going to be such a cutie. My heart nearly stopped.” He laughed, watching your reaction. ‘Well, at least it’s fun to someone’ you thought while watching Jungkook laugh.
He held out his hand to you and you took it. He pulled you into his arms, and came close to your lips.
"What are you doing?” you whispered
“Wait a bit,” he turned his head and pressed himself to your lips, but did not move.
You continued to stand like that, and indeed after a moment the waiter entered the room. Seeing you, he immediately turned to face the wall and greeted showing his presence.
“Oppa, you are so impatient, here are people everywhere,” you pretended capricious.
“Don’t be afraid, miss. We don’t see anything, we don’t hear anything, and we don’t remember anything.” said the waiter bowing.
Nevertheless, someone still not only remembered but also shot Jungkook on video. It pissed you off. He left after he accepted the order. Jungkook sat on the sofa. You took out your phone and turned on the camera. You were looking for the right angle to understand where the video was taken from. Found it. It was from the table near the entrance. Probably some of the staff left the camera on before leaving, while Jungkook was too busy to pay attention to this.
“What are you doing?”
“I found the angle from which the video was shot. Do you remember who served you that night? It’s probably he who installed the camera. ” tale are you sitting down next to the Jungkook.
“Then we need evidence,” he said. “Sit on my lap. I think we need to more openly hint what exactly we plan to do here tonight.” From his words, you again felt pain between the legs, because of strong excitement. You looked at him and thought that apparently you was crazy. You sat on his lap and froze when his hard cock push on your crotch. “Sorry,” he said, understanding why you was froze.
“Do not apologize. Your erection is a normal reaction. I would be more upset if it wasn’t there. That would mean that I’m not sexy. Nobody would have believed that we were here to have sex.”
“You’re so stupid, ________. You are incredibly sexy.” He pulled you and kissed you passionately. It seemed that something inside was cut off and you could no longer control yourself. You completely disappeared into this kiss. His fingers strengthened the grip in your hair as you moved on his hips. You continued to fidget over his cock, because of which your clit throbbed. His hands pressed into your hips, pressing you harder against his hard cock, which made him moan in your mouth. That sound sent a shiver through your body.
Too lost in pleasure, you did not hear the knock and sound of the door opening at all.
“Sorry, I brought your order.” said a calm voice.
You should have jumped from his lap, but Jungkook gripped you tightly in his arms, deepening the kiss. You couldn’t resist strongly or say something to him. You bit him hard on the shoulder, but he only moaned, and then laughed. “My baby, you never cease to amaze me. Today you want me to fuck you harder.” he left a light kiss on your lips. “Could you make us some cocktails? And bring some snacks ” he turned haed to the waiter. He left kisses on your body, each of which caused trembling. His hands caressed your body. You understood that you played roles, but it seems like he was got carried away. Not that you didn’t like it, on the contrary, you liked it even more than you should. You urgently needed to stop, but the waiter seems to be in no hurry at all, even despite the actions of Jungkook. He lowered the top of your dress, and covered your nipple with his mouth while his fingers played with the second nipple. You barely restrained a moan, it seemed to him it was absolutely all the same that the waiter was nearby. The waiter absolutely did not pay attention to you. What is going on at this place, since the waiter didn’t react at all to the fact that you sat half-naked on his lap while Jungkook licked your nipples.
“Jungkook …” you whispered his name when he bit your nipple while he led his hand up the leg to your pussy. Finally, the waiter left the room and you broke free of Jungkook’s hands before his fingers could touch you and feel how wet you were. You straightened the dress and went to the far wall trying to bring your thoughts back to normal.
“________…” said Jungkook, but you raised your hand to stop him. Now you were not ready to either listen or look at him. He came up and hugged you. You tried to break free, but he did not let you go.
“Jungkook, you got carried away. I understand that we are here for a reason, and should look believable. But that was too much. Do not forget who I am “
“How can I forget if you constantly remind me of this and build walls.” he turned you to face and pressed you to the wall. “Remember the first day you joined the company? I saw you on the roof, you were incredibly beautiful. You thought that there was nobody there, so you lifted the dress to straighten the stockings. I thought I would go crazy while watching you. It was the most erotic I’ve ever seen. I had to jerk off in the toilet to at least somehow calm down. But everything was in vain, even after I cum several times. As soon as I went into the office and saw you, I thought I would cum right in my pants.But you from the first meeting dubbed me as a child, and the only way you to treat me. What else do I need to do, to make you pay attention to me as a man, not a child.” he practically yelled at you.
"Gosh, how could I be so stupid?” you laughed out loud when it dawned at you who shot the video and who left it on your desk. You could not stop the laughter. It was more like a hysterics. “Now I understand why you were so calm when you saw the video. What a naive fool I am to belive for all this.” a cruel wave of reality has covered you. You shoved him and left the room, leaving this place. You got in the car and started the engine, and turn to the road. You didn’t care about all the fines you get for speeding. You ran into the office and opened the safe, taking out an envelope. You have broken a disk into small parts. Tears ran down your cheeks. You could not accept what was now between you and Jungkook. You leaned your hands on the table, head down. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even immediately hear the door open.
You turned your head, Jungkook stood in the doorway. “Whatever you want to say, it will wait. Although, no… If there is no problem, then there is no reason to talk with you, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. If you have any questions, you can transfer them through your manager, ” you said, and again looked at the table.
“Oh gosh, just shut your mouth, _______, or I’ll spank you!”
“What did you said?” you did not believe your ears now. You turned in his direction again.
“You heard!” he came closer, and now in front of you was a dangerous man, not a sweet boy. “You can say whatever you want, but your body is not lying. Therefore, you can continue  to scold me in your head, but that will not change how your body reacts to me.” he ran his hand through his pants, where a hard cock was sticking out. “My pants are still wet where your pussy was.” he grinned. It seems you were just as shocked as when you received the video from Jungkook.
“Have you mixed up something? Firstly, I am older, and secondly, I am an employee of the agency. Stop it …” you cried out as he continued to eagerly examine every inch of your body. In one motion, he threw all the papers from your desk. He approached you and with a sudden movement laid you on the table belly down. He pressed you with his hand so that you could not get up. “What the hell are you doing, Jungkook?” he lifted your dress, exposing your ass. An electric wave pierced your body as his palm sank with force onto your buttock. He put his foot between your hips. He spread your legs wide and stood behind you. You could feel how his big cock rests on your crotch when he pressed his body against you. Although you didn’t want to admit it, it was incredibly seductive.
“Didn’t I warn you that I’ll spank you if you don’t close your daring mouth?” he growled in your ear when he lay completely on top of you. “If you are so against it, why are you so wet, my baby?” he made a sharp push in your crotch, and it tore a moan from your chest, which you tried to contain before that. He tore off your panties and crouched.
“Ohhhh gosh…” you moaned loudly as he ran his tongue across your folds. A wave of pleasure has fettered your body. He bit you on the buttock before standing up.
“My baby, so delicious,” he pulled your hand so that you stood up. “Do you want to say anything else?” he sent you a lascivious look when he turned you to face him.
“I want you!” You could no longer deny how excited you were and wanted him. You dreamed about it and his body all week. Even at the club it was difficult not to succumb to the temptation. What was the point now of denying it. Now in front of you stood a man with a dangerous look. And the only thing you wanted was to feel how his cock will stretch your pussy while he fucks you.
“The correct answer, my baby!” he covered your lips with a kiss. He lifted your dress to the waist before setting you on the table. He took a step back and his dark eyes wandered around your wet crotch. “Perfect!” he growled. He slowly unfastened his shirt before dropping it to the floor. Then he reached for his pants and after a moment he stood completely naked in front of you. His body was so gorgeous. Pure sex, saturated with debauchery and lust - that’s how you would describe his naked body and a sticking cock, which was covered with pre-ejaculate. He walked over and removed the dress from your body. “You don’t even imagine how much effort I put in today not to fuck you on the street when I saw your almost naked body covered with only a small piece of cloth. Especially when you continued to touch my body ”, he ran his fingers across your folds, touching the clit. With a sharp push, he stuck two fingers into you and you suffocated from pleasure. “But when you sat on my knees …” he closed his eyes, never ending his sentence, and his cock twitched with excitement. He took out his fingers and again made a sharp push, tearing out your moans. “This is what I wanted to do then.” he continued to make hard shocks. Everything inside you burned with pleasure. He added a third finger, “Now my composure is gone.” his hand pulled you by the waist. He took out his fingers and push a cock into your wet pussy. You screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He moved a hand into your hair, clenching his fingers into a fist. God, you will end now if he continues to behave like that.
“Jungkook … Please,” you didn’t even know what you were asking
“If you want something, just ask,” he pulled out a cock.
“Fuck me hard”
“Ask me better,” he continued to leave kisses on your body. His hot breath on your skin melted you.
“Please, Jungkook. Fuck me … “
“No, begged me, like you did it’s in the club,” he covered your nipple with his mouth and you stopped breathing.
“Oppa, please … fuck me hard.”
He growled at your words. He pushed you to the table, making you lie on your back. He put your legs on his shoulders and sharply put a cock in your pussy. You could only moan loudly as he continued to fuck you with force. He squeezed your hips as he accelerated the pace. Your body exploded as an orgasm when he pinched your clitoris. Your body wriggled unable to cope with all the pleasure that he gave you. He continued to make violent tremors until his own orgasm covered him. He dug his teeth into your leg drowning his cries of pleasure. He made a few more deep thrusts prolonging his orgasm. He lowered your legs and lay down on you. His fingers played with your sweat-damp hair while you recovered from a strong orgasm.
“I dreamed about it from the first second I saw you,” he whispered
"Jungkook … We need…” you screamed when he bit you.
“You didn’t forget that I’ll spank you if you again start talking nonsense about work or age”
“Talk later. Now it’s stupid to say something while your dick is still inside me”
“Then I will do everything possible so that my fingers, my tongue or my cock are in you as often as possible.” he kissed you. “Every time I’ll see you, I will fuck you in some secluded place. If you will deny that you want me - I’ll spank you right on your desk in the main office ”he looked at you, and you realized that he was not joking now.
You laughed. It seems that Jungkook seriously decided to complicate your work … but you could not deny that you liked this idea!

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