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 best friend, notti osama --

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best friend, notti osama

it had only been a few weeks since me and notti first started hanging out

we were already super close, and best friends

he actually helped me start talking to this guy named bryan

bryan was super cute and nice to me

"notti! boy what the hell are you doing here!?" i whisper shouted as he had just came through my window without any warning

he chuckled laying down on my bed,
"this shit comfy not gon lie" he addmited as if it was a bad thing

"ima stay ova tonight aight" he said nd it almost sounded as if he was telling me, not asking

"okayyyy notti" i dragged

he layed on my bed as i sat at my vanity doing my homework

"nessa its so borin stop doin homwork lets do sum else" he complains running his hands down his face, while i rolled my eyes laughing beofre continuing on my homework

"notti im almost finished now will you stop complaining?" i laugh, he groaned before rolling over

30 minutes later:

i had finally finished my homework and went to go tell notti, i nudged him a little but he didn't wake up

this boy was sleeping.

"hey notti, wake up" i whispered not wanting to be to loud since it was pretty late

he hesitantly turned over facing me, little pieces of hair were on his face he looked almost, cute?

𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙, 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙏𝙄 𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙈𝘼 Where stories live. Discover now