Chapter 20

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When I awoke, James was facing me, almost too close. His mouth was slightly parted, and his blonde hair tousled, pieces sticking up all around. His breath was slow, yet steady, causing a fairly peaceful atmosphere to arise. The room was now dark, revealing it had become night time once again. I tried to sit up, but strong arms from behind me kept me in place. I looked over my shoulder to see Chase, fast asleep, holding me. I sighed quietly, analyzing the darkness.

Chase's room was almost pitch black other than a sliver of moonlight that fell in through the window behind his bed frame, a feeling of unease washed over me as I glanced into the dark areas. I'm safe. I began to think, before thoughts rushed through my mind of phantoms, slug-like vampires, and even more monsters unknown to me. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes tightly, trying my best not to acknowledge those thoughts. I'll be okay, I'll be okay. I felt a warm hand grab my own, causing me to open my eyes in fear.

Wide-eyed I stared at the hand holding the top of mine, I followed it past the wrist, down the elbow, to the shoulder, and then to the face. I released a nervous breath. James, I thought to myself, It's just James. "What's wrong Makayla?" He asked groggily, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper. His coffee colored eyes squinted, searching for an answer.

"I," I gulped as I tried to speak, "I'm scared something's in here," I whispered back to him. Chase moved in his sleep, adjusting his position to be more comfortable. I was surprised he was even able to sleep after all the pain he'd endured, not even twenty-four hours prior. However, my fear that had begun to accumulate over the past few weeks was at its peak. Now that my memory was returning, watching my brother get murdered, and watching my own mother do something unspeakable, I couldn't shake the feeling of paranoia.

James's eyes opened wider, looking into my own, then he looked back at Chase behind me, then he looked into the darkness. "Makayla, nothing, absolutely nothing, can get into the house. It's protected by awakened power, making most creatures stay away." His harsher gaze from before had diminished into something much sweeter, more caring as he spoke. I felt a little better, but I just couldn't shake the feeling something was in there with us.

"Most," I said, my eyes darting around the room, "You said most."

"Makayla," He spoke in a slightly stern, yet calm voice.

"No, you said most, so doesn't that mean that something could be in here? Something bad?" He grabbed my hand tighter trying to force me to look into his eyes.

"Nothing bad can enter this house Makayla, nothing at all."

"But Chase, he's a demon so-"

"Is he bad?" I stared at him, a slight feeling of fright in my chest. "Is he?"

"N-no, no he isn't," I said, glancing behind me, staring at Chase. His chest rose and fell raggedly, due to the tightness of his back.

"Nothing is in here, he would sense it, I would sense it if there was. I promise we're fine. We'd both protect you until our last dying breath if it came down to it," He released my hand, a slight grimace crossing his face, "I promise, everything will be fine." He smiled, his messy blonde hair almost covering his eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to release my worries, my paranoia. It took everything in me to do so.

I looked at James's smile, relaxing, it was a genuine smile, nothing was there. My lips lifted a bit in return, my eyes beginning to feel heavy once more. "Thank you James," he grinned, turning away from me, facing the opposite wall.

"No problem angel," He spoke so softly I barely heard him, his muscled back now facing me. I scrunched my eyebrows together wondering if I heard him correctly. As if my thoughts of James had made him jealous, Chase pulled me in tightly, my back against his chest. I gently placed my hand on top of his, closing my eyes once again. The one thing I didn't notice was James looking over his shoulder, gritting his teeth.

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