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Ranboo POV

It's currently 9 PM and it's pouring rain outside. I'm so bored. I texted my boyfriend, Tommy a while ago but he hasn't answered me yet. Lately he's been having a lot of panic attacks which makes me worry about leaving him alone. He starts to scratch and hit himself and sometimes, he pulls out his hair from tugging on it too hard.

My phone then lit up. Tommy was calling me. I answered it and put the phone to my ear.


All I could hear were tiny breaths from the phone. You can hear his breath going at a faster pace each second.

"Tommy? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked. I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them on.

"C-Can you come over? P-Please?" He whispered. I could tell he was trying his best to not cry.

"Yeah- Yeah. I'll be there. Stay on the phone, don't hang up." I told him as I grabbed my hoodie and left my room. I rushed downstairs and left the house.

I could hear the sound of scratching.

I sighed. "Tommy."

"Sorry." He apologized.

Luckily he only lived 5 minutes away from me. I got inside of my car and started to drive. I used one hand to drive and the other to look for the key Tommy had given to me for his house.

By the time I found it, I was outside of his house. I parked in front of the house and then grabbed my phone and the key.

I opened the front door and stepped inside. I saw Tommy wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. I took off my shoes and hoodie since it had been raining and I didn't want to get his floors dirty.

I walked over to him and sat next to him. He was breathing fast and he was shaking.

I grabbed his arms to keep him from hurting himself and pulled him closer to me.

"It's okay Tommy. I'm here and I won't go away." I whispered.

He cried into my shirt. His breaths slowly started to go at a normal pace and he stopped shaking.

"Ranboo…" He said. He slowly lifted his head up to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy. There were still tears running down his cheeks and his voice was a little bit wobbly.

"Yeah?" I put my hand on his face and moved the tears away.

"I love you." He whispered. It's rare to ever hear those words come out of his mouth so when I heard them I swear I was going to start crying with him. He's only ever told the phrase to people he trusts. Which is only Tubbo, Wilbur and his parents.

I smiled. "I love you too."

He sighed. "Can I tell you a secret?" Tommy asked.

"Of course." I responded.

"My Mom is at the hospital and I'm afraid that she might die. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and it's only a 20 percent chance that she'll live." He said.


"Oh.. Tommy.." I pulled him closer to me. I kissed the top of his hair and hugged him.

"I'm scared, Ranboo. I don't want to lose her." He sobbed.

"I know.. It's okay to be scared. How about we go get her a gift and visit her at the hospital? Would that make you feel better?" I asked him.

He nodded against my chest. "C'mon. Put on your shoes and hoodie."

He quickly got ready and rushed outside to get inside of my car.

"Hurry up!" He yelled.

I got inside the car after I locked his house door. I first drove to a nearby store. Tommy decided to get his Mom's favorite snacks and got a basket to hold all of it.

I paid for it and then we left to go to the hospital. We stayed there for about 2 hours. We would have stayed longer but his Mom had to go to sleep and the doctor said it would be best to go home instead of sleeping on a chair in the hospital.

I took Tommy to my place and from there, all we did was cuddle and watch a movie.

705 words

if you havent, please go read my latest message on my message board. i need to know if i should do it or not 😭

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