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Minghao Pov

I wake up early as i want to paint a beautiful morning . I am director in art museum from Yesterday ,i sit up straight and do some warm up. I walk downstair and make myself a coffee,while i take a sip i saw a newspaper on the table ,i read it and it said "mixue time is phohibites for people" when i read it, it made me curious.

I take a leave for today as i want to go to mixue time ,its a beach i never been there but my grandma used to tell me but i don't take it seriously .I take a bus cuz only bus was service ,no other vehicles.

I look outside as expect the view was incredible i can't wait to go there but i am not sure if i am allow. We almost arrive and for now i want to admire the view ,i took my airpod and listen music.

I can see the beach now its beautiful but no one was there expect a girl. She sat at the sand ,her leg in the water ,i was shock to see a girl and started to believe i can go too.

Soon we arrive and i am only the one who stop at mixue time.After the bus gone the vibe give me chill , i quickly went toward the beach. When i reach there there's no one i am surprise,I look around hoping to find that girl but no one was there so i just walk around .I though of eating dinner in this beach like a picnic as tonight was full moon ,I take out my painting board and paint the ocean.

Finally i finish painting ,i strech my arms and look at the sky its already dark. I look at the beach and it was quite only a wave of ocean can hear .I notice the wave was little harder yhan before so i walk back and sat on a bench . There was a table and a chair,i am pretty hungry now , i take out my tiffin box and start to eat my food .

While i was eating ,i feel uneasy as luke someone stare at me i look around but saw nothing suddenly i feel a warmth around my neck i quickly look back and it was girl .I was stock to death .. i fell fron the chair ,as soon as i flinch the girl start to laugh it made me a little scared but she was beautiful and her smile was lovely .

*Who is this girl?*

under the moon •Xu Minghao•Where stories live. Discover now