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Danny ran up the stairs as fast as he could until he reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, I haven't seen you around here before?" she eyed him questioningly. "That's cause I'm not a Gryffindor" Danny, Molly's boyfriend, sounded annoyed, "then why are you lurking around here, trying to break in?", "wha... no i'm not I need t speak to a Weasley or a Potter, it's about their cousin Molly". It took a minute of convincing but the Fat Lady finally wandered out of her portrait into the Gryffindor common room, "excuse me .. excuse me ... can I have a Weasley and/ or a Potter" the painting called. She had somehow managed to squeeze herself into a painting of a horse, the common room was so loud nobody payed her any attention. The Fat Lady wasn't known for her patience so after a couple seconds of trying to be heard she started trying to reach the highest note she could, which turned out to her just screaming and causing many of the Gryffindor students to pull out their wands or cover their ears. "Thank you, now I have a boy out there wanting a Weasley and  a Potter". "Which ones, theres loads of them?" a seventh year boy asked, this comment made a lot of people chuckle, the Fat Lady huffed, "well I don't know, do I!" and she walked back out of the portrait. Daniele saw her walk down the hall muttering something about "stupid kids". Victoire, Fred, Rose and Al came out of the portrait hole, James had detention. "Whats wrong?" Albus asked, "its Molly, she ... shes gone a bit crazy", Rose raised her eyebrow, "that's not a nice thing to call your beloved girl friend". "No its the O.W.L's she's stressing and studying so much, I got up last night it was like 4 o'clock, she had a huge mug of coffee and was spread out with her books open, and its not the first time!".  "Ok that is pretty bad even Vic and Al aren't that bad" Fred pointed out, "look you need to do something, she liked quidditch do something with her please, she'd been drinking like 12 mugs of coffee, big mugs of coffee a day", "ok, ok , calm down Dan, we'll do something with her" Victoire told him. "Yeh, we'll force her to have fun if we have to" Fred not so helpfully said, "thanks guys" "anytime Danny" Albus patted him on the back and they parted ways.

"So what shall we do exactly?" Albus asked the others, they all decided to sit in armchairs and on the floor near the fire. "Well besides studying what does she like?" Fred asked, "well she likes flying, quidditch isn't her favourite but she likes flying, maybe we could do an obstacle course or something", "that's an awesome idea, Rosie!" Victoire agreed. The four of them along with Scorpius, started preparing.

"Molly, stop give me the book!" Domonique was trying to pry a book out of Molly's hands, "no I need to study! if I don't my dad ..." she trailed off. Now Domonique and Molly were playing tug and war with the transfiguration book, "Molly, dear cuz its time for some fun time!" Fred said as if he was talking to a two year old.  "FINE YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES!!!!" Molly finally snapped, making a couple of people look around, except the Ravenclaw's they were all engrossed in their books or doing homework.  She followed her cousins outside onto some empty grass, there laid on the grass was 10 broomsticks, the broomsticks belonged to the Weasleys, Potters and Danny Howard. "So what are we doing then?" Molly asked, "don't worry you'll be back with your books soon" Rose said sarcastically, picking up her broom. "We're going to have a couple of races, yeh know on brooms" Danny explained, he was staying away from her at the minute and hanging back behind Albus. "Yeh, you've been studying to much M, its time to just relax or you're going to end up in the hospital wing and miss your exams" Victoire said sternly handing Molly her broom, and then picking up her own. "Fine, where abouts?" Molly huffed snatching her broom, she really wanted ... no needed to get back to studying and learning, if she doesn't get high marks her whole future could be ruined. James got on his broom, and shot of into the air, "come on I'll show you!" he yelled, James was an excellent flyer and was Chaser on the Gryffindor house team. Molly and the others got on their brooms, kicked off from the ground and flew around. At first they had a race around the school, flying around the grounds, going around the towers, Molly won 2 out of 3, Rose won the 2nd, she was a good flyer as well and couldn't wait till second year when she could try out for the Gryffindor team. For about another hour or so they flew around, diving and seeing how fast thye could go around corners. At one point Al nearly fell off  his broom, in fact he actually did, "AGGGGHHHH!!!" he screamed luckily Fred swooped down and held him by the ankle until they got on the ground, and Danny caught his broom before it hit the floor. They all laughed at Albus' white face as he mumbled something along the lines of "that's why I don't fly". "COME ON GUYS WE SHOULD PROBABLY GET GOING BACK TO THE CASTLE, IF NOT JAMES AND ROSE WILL MOAN THAT THEY'RE HUNGRY" Victoire yelled when the sun started to set, they couldn't be bothered to get down so because the door was already open they flew in and into the Entrance Hall then into the Great Hall, the stragglers in the hall cheered when the Potters and Weasleys burst into the hall, they all did a small lap around the hall for good measure. The Ravenclaw table had maybe three people sat there so they sat together eating pizza and chips which made a nice change from the classical food the house elves usually made. "Look" Louis whispered pointing to Molly, "I think she fell asleep". Molly was passed out with her head on the table and she was breathing heavily. "Maybe we should take her up" Danny said, they were the last in the Great Hall besides Madam Hooch, when they all stood up the food disappeared , Danny picked Molly up in his arms, she nuzzled her head in the his chest and began snoring softly. "How you going to put her to bed?" Domonique asked, Danny hadnt thought about that he couldn't go up to the girls dorm without the stairs moving like the stairs in a muggle fun house at a fair. "I'll lay her on the couch, they're massive and put a blanket over her" Danny said, the others followed. They said their goodbyes in the entrance hall, Domonique headed for the dungeons, Danny, Molly and Louis headed for the Ravenclaw common room while the others went to Gryffindor tower. "Can we draw a mustache on her?" Louis asked, Danny looked at him, shook his head and said "no". When they reached the door, the door asked a riddle, it was pretty easy but they were all tired and Molly was getting pretty heavy after walkng up a load of stairs and corridos so instead Louis just said "buggar off and let us in" apparently at this time of year that response was normal because the door just opened. Danny laid Molly down on the  big sofa, it was nearly ten o'clock, and the noise in the common room was very low so Molly carried on sleeping, Danny kissed Molly on the head, wrapped her in a blue blanket that had an eagle embroidered on it and headed up to bed. As Molly slept she smiled, it was nice to just relax and have fun, her dad put so much pressure on her and it was getting on her nerves and making her go .. loopy, she carried on dreaming about flying as fast as she could, the wind in her hair, today had been a good day.         

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