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Part 2 is here.(TW Fowl language,self-hatred,homophobicness,mention-of-abuse)
Travis POV:
And was shocked to see Larry Johnson staring at me while walking into the class room with some random girl holding onto his arm.I felt my chest tighten as I saw them walk to there seat's which happen to be right next to each other.I looked away as I felt my eyes glaze over with salty crystal clear tears.I packed my stuff up in my bag and stood up and ran out of the class room ignoring Mrs.Packerton yelling at me to come back .I ran into the bathroom and into the last stall I turned around and locked the door I fell onto my knee's and started sobbing my heart out despite me telling myself not to because boys aren't allowed to cry it isn't right for boys to cry it's a sin.I started pulling at my hair harshly almost pulling it out I hated how my emotions and feelings won't just go away.Your probably wondering what I mean by feelings well the truth is I lik-no I love Larry Johnson I know it's a sin but he is just so perfect with his long brown hair, dark chocolate eyes and that beautiful mole just under his left eye.Most people would think his mole is disgusting or gross but I think it's amazing.At this point I had got out a piece of paper and started to write my feelings on it.I then realised how stupid it was I crumpled/scrunched up the paper after scribbling out the bottom half I still had tears over flowing down my face I stood up opened the door and yeeted my note near the bin not giving a shit about whether it landed in or not and went back into the stall and locked the door again.I fell to the floor crying why couldn't I just like girls like normal boys do.
(TW mention-of-Abuse)
If my "father" found out I liked someone of the same gender then he would quite literally kill me you probably think I'm over reacting but I'm not my father already hits me and calls me a "sinner" because I don't do some thing right i can't imagine what he would do if he knew.Speaking of him hitting me my whole body feels so sore from the beating I got yesterday for not cleaning my fathers and my breakfast bowl properly.He used his belt as well so chunk's of my skin on my back are missing.it hurt so much to lean on my back but that was the only comfortable position.I got dragged out of my thoughts by the door opening I immediately stopped crying it was easy because I was basically trained not to show emotion.I peeked under the stall door to see who was in here and I saw none other than Larry Johnson's worn out combat boots...

485 words thank you sooo much for reading this.

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