Chapter 5

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Cierra's POV

I heard Felix come in but nobody said a word. We are to busy whimpering about Layla.
All I could think about was Layla. Her blue eyes, her weak smile, her hazel hair, she was beautiful. Prettier then I seen anyone before. Even myself. I can't lose a subscriber, or a friend. Felix sat down still not saying a word. Breaking the sad moment, Jordan stood up then walked out of the room. Isaac,Bethany,and I had to take off our glasses because our tears kept on getting on the lenses. It felt like forever since Layla has been gone. Ever since Roxy and Maddie started crying, it's like the sadness traveled through out the whole room. Bethany then stood up and got out of the room like Jordan did. So did Isaac. Roxy,Maddie,Felix and I were left, also then Maddie and Roxy left. So did Felix. I got curious, so I did too. I followed them, trying to play along with them. Eventually they all spit up. I tried to see where they were all going. Jordan was in the waiting room, along with Maddie and Roxy. Felix went to the desk, talking to the nurse about something, Bethany went home. Knowing her she was going home because she wanted to be alone, and she didn't want to see her siblings cry. Isaac was on the phone with Layla's sister, I'm pretty sure he was telling her to get to the hospital about her sister. Including he had to call her brothers and her parents. How do they not know this? Oh right Layla lives with Maddie and Roxy. I decided to go home to be with Bethany. I walked over to Felix. "Hey Felix can you tell the others that I'm going home and I'm using the car" I said to him. He turned his head to look at me. "Sure Cierra." He replied. I walked away, went out the door, and drove to the house.

Bethany's POV

I sat on the bed sobbing. I curled up on my pillow and cried there. I was the only one in the house. I felt so alone in the bedroom. I didn't want to lose a subscriber, or a friend.

Maddie's POV

It's hard for all of us. Roxy and I were holding our hands tightly. I prayed in my head. I didn't want Venturiantale to lose a subscriber, or a friend.

Roxy's POV

My eyes were flooded with tears. I couldn't tell my emotions right now. Depressed,mad,scared? I don't know. I didn't want Venturiantale to lose a subscriber, or a friend.

Isaac's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Layla. She was beautiful. She always it beautiful. I don't want to lose a subscriber, or a friend.

Felix's POV

We have been friends forever. I gave you a necklace. You will always keep it and I know it. Your my best friend. I don't want to lose a subscriber, or a friend.

Jordan's POV ( if your very emotional don't read dis yo if your just emotional, then I don't know.)

I love you. I love you too much to let you go already. *tear rolls down cheek* hold on to that I don't care Imma bird t-shirt. I will care. Your my little bird. I would take a bullet for you. I'll do anything for you. I love you. No matter what happens I will be there for you. Your beautiful in anyway I see you. Not today. Don't go today. Don't go. *another tear* you no what? I don't know you. How can I love you? Why are we here. Nobody likes you. Fuck you Layla. We don't know you. So who cares. Why do you care anyway? Why do we care? *walks out of hospital* I just don't care..

Don't leave me... (VenturianTale Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin