Chapter 20 <3

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He started laughing, but I froze in my tracks. "Y/n? You good?" Neito asked, catching his breath. I saw a figure like the one in my dream, standing right behind him.
I grabbed onto Neito and hid my face in his chest, too scared to look up. "Y/n whats wrong?" he asked, holding me and turning around, making me holding onto him tighter. My mom walked in the door and gasped with wide eyes. "What?? What are you guys seeing that Im not?"
"Y/n, after your friends leave were talking about this," mom said. "Just take a breath, and itll go away." I listened and took a shaky and deep breath in, then out. I backed up and saw it wasnt there anymore. I hugged Neito again, still shaken up. I mean, I really didnt expect to see this thing in person.

We all ate dinner and they left at around 7:30. Then mom sat me down on the couch to talk about the figure. "When did you start seeing it?"
"I just saw it in a dream earlier."
"What did it say to you?"
"Stuff about how I ignored them and never loved them and things like that." "I didnt think I'd be able to see yours.."
"What do you mean?"
"When I was your age and saw mine, my mom told me that we would all get one."
"What is 'it'?"
"A 'ghost of your past'. I had one, now you have one. I dont know why we have them, but I'm pretty sure its something to do with our quirks. Mine was of a boyfriend I had, he was terribly abusive and it wouldnt go away until I cleared things up with him. "
"How did you know it was him?"
"I kept asking questions when he appeared, and I eventually found out who it was."
"So what, I have to play 20 questions with a 'ghost'?"
"I know, it seems ridiculous, but its best to get it gone as soon as possible."
"Okay," I said standing up. "Im gonna go upstairs and try and come up with some questions."
"Okay, just try not to freak out when it comes up. And dont try and ask its name first, you wont get anything out of it."
"Okay, thank you mom," I said, going up the stairs.

I checked my phone when I got to my room and saw a few messages and missed calls from Neito. I decided to call him to see what he wanted.
"Y/n!! You finay called me back. What took you so long you idiot?"
"First, dont call me that. Second, I was talking to mom."
"What were you talking about?"
"Do you really wanna know?"
"Yes! Why wouldnt I want to know?"
"I dunno. Anyways nosey, I have a super fun new development. I now have a 'ghost of my past' following me. I need to try and get rid of it by finding out who they are and talk to them about it."
"..Thats stupid."
"I cant control it!! What do you want me to do about it?!"
"Get it gone, duh."
"Well I have to wait for it to appear or whatever the crap."
"Sounds annoying. Anywizzle, I'm coming over tomorrow."
"Uhmm no youre not, I just wanna chill for one day, alright??"
"NO!! I am coming over. End of conversation."
"Neito you are not-"
Whatever, if he tries to come in the house I can just shove him out the door and lock it. Cant be that hard, right?

"Y/n, talk to me.
What is with you?"

"No, what's with you?
What do you want from me?"

"I want you to love me, and accept me."

"Well, can't trait do that if I dont know who you are, yeah?"

"You already know who I am."

"Not really."

"Why don't you?"

"Because! I dont know your name, age, gender, or even what you look like!"

"Well, I will tell you one thing."

"...Which is??"

"We have the same colored hair."

"Thats all?!? You have mothing else to say?! I need more than that! A lot of people have h/c hair!!"

"How many is a lot?"

"I dont know! A bunch??"

"You really need to use that brain of yours. It was given to you for a reason."

"Thats a bit rude. I do use my brain. Probably more than you!"

"I highly doubt that. You were never able to use it, so why now?"

"Okay thats about enough outta you-"

The person disappeared. Great. Its not like I wouldve gotten much out of them anyways. Stubborn ass.

"So I finally got it to tell me something and all I know is we have the same hair color. What kind of info is that!?"
"I dunno Y/n, not a lot of people have your hair color."
"Yes they do!"
"Hmmm, not really."
"Ugh, I'm done arguing with you."
I was now walking to class with Neito, telling him about my dream last night. Seriously, why didnt they give me more info?? I need that stuff man!

I was definently getting a lot of looks today. I cant help it though! That stupid figure appeared during lunch and bugged me! So obviously I asked questions but it just progressively got worse and I ended up yelling at what appeared to be nothing to everyone else. "Hey, youre L/n, yeah?" a pink girl said, running up to me.
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Youre the one that was arguing with air like a weirdo!"
"Mina, you could be a bit nicer about that," a brown haired girl said.
"But he was! He looked insane!"
"Ashido, be nice, please," a black hair girl came up behind her.
"I am nice Yaomomo! Anyways, why were you yelling at the air?"
"Its something to do with my quirk."
"How about you try intoducing yourself Mina?" the brunette sighed.
"Alright, I'm Mina Ashido from Class A. These are my friends Ochaco Uraraka and Momo Yaoyorozu," she said, pointing to the girls beside her.
"Uhuh, a-anyways, I need to get going. Gotta catch up with my boyfriend."
Oh god why did I say that. "You have a boyfriend?!" Mina squealed. "Thats so cute!! Who is it? Someone cute? Aaa you have to tell us!" She was acting like she had known me for years and it reminded me of someone.
"..Neito Monoma," I whispered, knowing that he hates Class A and they hate him.
"What? I couldnt hear ya, can you speak up?"
"Hey there Y/n, who are you talking to?" I heard Neito behind me. "Oh, ew, Class A. You didnt start the conversation, right?" he said, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"THATS YOUR BOYFRIEND?!?!" Mina screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Ooh, I would break up with that weirdo," a purple hair girl said coming up to the girls.
"Can you all leave him alone? I dont want him catching your disease."
"Neito be nice! Lets just go," I said dragging him away, apologizing to the girls on the way.
"I dont know why you talked to them. Theyre losers you know. Thinking theyre better than us."
"Neito, theyre not like that! I mean, that Bakugou guy is, but the rest of them seem really nice! I dont get why youre so mean to them. Cant I be friends with at least one of them?"
"Y/n, youll get an incurable illness."
"And what is that?"
"Being stupid and full of yourself."
"Sounds like you," I said before taking off, not wanting him to yell at me.

Hey guys! If you didnt read my last little update thing, the time between uploads is probably gonna be a bit long. Sorry about that!! I will also take suggestions for what to do in the story :D


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