Chapter 10 The War Had Started

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It's was time for Tim to go to school but that's also means that he would have to stay with Frank Castle  which also means Graduation Day is coming up which is middle school next year.  Are you ready to leave Tim be honest with me. Ask Ahura which is safe to say that he never knew about his cousins and now that he knew them he would have to leave. No not really but I thought I could give you this friendship necklace that I brought. Said Tim as he takes them out of the box. Tim you know this isn't a goodbye for us. Said Ahura as he hugs Tim breaking down crying. Markus on the other hand didn't want to be weak because he needs to be strong for Tim as he leaves for school. What ever you do don't cry for it's would be easy for the both of us. Said Kang as he started to get Tim stuff ready at the door. Dad we just met him could you convince this Anti Hero to get his own kid. Said Markus with a cold attitude as they wait for Tim to get ready to walk out the door. That's won't be easy for the both of us. Said Bucky as he waits for Tim to get down stairs. What ever reason is happening with Ultron you better get his own son away from the Punisher! Yelled quietly towards Bucky.  I try before Ultron  only call one time towards me and he clearly said that I could be watching over Tim and when I arrived there the avengers got a Anti Hero that's isn't afraid to kill. Said Bucky not wanting to continue the conversation because kids could hear them. Can we at least agreed that Tim is a kid that shouldn't be going through this? Ask Marcus with worried. Look we all want to keep Tim near us but sadly Ultron already had started his plans where he could destroy the entire city along with the Avengers! Yelled Bucky towards Markus bust sadly he saw Tim standing there with Ahura. Where is my Dad? Ask arum with worried had taken him over. Tim I don't think your ready to be told. Said Bucky with guilt. Then you had failed me Uncle for I trust you were the only one that I could believe. Said Tim walking out the door with his suitcase. You should've told him before you lost his trust as his uncle. Said Kang walking inside the house and close the door. The Next day Tim wasn't talking to Frank Castle or his Uncle Bucky in the morning when he started to walk to school by himself but sadly Frank Castle had blocked him from walking. YOU KNOW BETTER OF WALKING ALONE Kid! Yelled Frank with a stern voice. Fuck you Frank your not the boss of me. Yelled Tim putting his headphones on and gets in the car. Frank Castle had drove into the city try to talk to Tim but sadly it's was silent. Once they reach the school Tim got off and took his headphones off his ears. Tomorrow you and my uncle are not allowed to go in my Graduation and don't think about picking up either. Yelled Tim slamming the car door with force that had led Frank to get off the truck and see his beautiful Truck had a dent. That Kid is sure is something. Said Frank driving away. Everyone was talking about tomorrow the Graduation but sadly for Tim he was thinking about what Bucky said yesterday about his dad going to attack the city. What didn't you tell me Dad? Said Tim to himself  as the bell rings for the class to start. Ultron had decided to attack the city with his son but sadly things had taken a bad turned. Alright class today we will learn about Math. Then all of a sudden emergency alarm rings the whole school making kids to run out of the classroom leaving Tim alone in the class while looking out the window to see the destruction of the city. Father does it all come to this when I told you that I love you because you're you while i'm your son that loves you then the others. But you betray me for a war that you don't realize you are hurting me. Said Tim to himself as he sees everything he had love was being destroyed while he runs out of the school and stills a motorcycle. Have to help the Avengers. Said Tim as he started to drive towards the battlefield. Ultron stop for your breaking the law! Yelled Iron Man towards Ultron. Never for I'm doing it to destroy you and everything you built for! Yelled Ultron as he started to shoot towards Hawkeye but sadly Pietro takes the shot for him. You didn't see that coming. Said Pietro as he falls to the ground. Wanda felt her twin brother death as she screams with sadness. Victor was going to shoot Bucky but then a warning shot was fire at the ground.  Tim what are you doing here! Yelled Bucky catching the attention towards everyone. Won't stand by as I see everyone getting hurt. Said Tim flying towards a version of himself. No TIM! Yelled Ultron realizing that he got his real son involved in battle. You must be my father's true son. Yelled Tim as he started to punch Victor. Don't take it to personally but he told me your were not his real son that could stay be his side. Said Victor punching Tim towards the wall as he bleeds wires. Now I think you and I should battle to see who is the better son. Said Victor with a smile.

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