Night 1 of 5

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The fire cast a warm glow against Pear's palms as she held them out to the flames. Joel had led them to a small clearing in the woods, where the soft moss floor was damp but free of frost, making it the perfect spot to spend the night. As they settled in, Joel couldn't help but wonder if Pear remembered a time before, when the glow of streetlights provided enough light to guide even the most weary of travelers.  He remembered. 

They spoke in hushed tones, keeping themselves as safe as possible from Infected, or worse, other survivors.  Despite their limited provisions, Joel and Ellie generously shared their fermented fruit and dried salty meat with Pear. She was touched by their selflessness, knowing that they were giving her more than they could afford. The weight of their kindness was not lost on her, and she wondered how she could ever repay them.

"Ellie, it's time to get some rest," Joel chided, shaking his head at her as she let out a big yawn without bothering to cover her mouth.

"Before I do, let me fill Pear in on our sleeping arrangements," Ellie said, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. "We huddle," she stated with a grin.

Pear looked at Joel with confusion written all over her face. "She's exaggerating," he said with a nervous chuckle. "You can have my sleeping bag, I'll keep watch."

"I don't sleep," Pear offered. "I haven't slept a full night in years. Let me keep watch, and you guys can rest."

Joel couldn't allow that. He didn't trust Pear, and he didn't know her. He had just cut her down from a tree, and there was always a chance that it was a trap. Although he doubted it, he had given her the benefit of the doubt. But it didn't mean that he was stupid. So he picked up his rifle and leaned against a rock, readying himself to stand guard.

"I can't let you do that," Joel said, his tone unintentionally harsh.

Pear nodded. "I understand, but I'm still not taking your sleeping bag."

Joel surveyed his surroundings intently, his eyes always finding themselves landing on Pear.  Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't asleep.  He began to study her face, which was barely visible under the dwindling fire. She was quite pale, her skin ashen.  She was slender, but that wasn't unusual given the scarcity of food. Despite this, her cheeks were full, and she had those almond shaped eyes.  Beneath the lids were warm chestnut brown irises flecked with gold, and when she told her story he saw them crack with anguish, this sparked an urge to protect her. But there was no way he ever could, his priorities lay with Ellie, and that was that.

"Joel?" Pear whispered, her voice barely audible. "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Joel let out a small chuckle and replied, "You don't need to ask for permission." However, his grumpy demeanor was evident as he folded his arms across his chest.

Urinating outdoors is never a pleasant experience, especially during the night. Pear hastily made her way to the bathroom and quickly returned to the campsite. Her heart was racing so fast that it felt like a million tiny hammers were trying to break free from her chest. She stumbled through the trees, nearly tripping over the fire pit. Suddenly, Joel's body jolted upright, his rifle aimed at her head.

Pear instinctively threw her hands up in the air and exclaimed, "It's just me!" She panted, trying to catch her breath, "It's me."

Joel maintained a steady gaze, his lips sealed tight as he awaited an explanation from Pear. It was evident that she sensed his silent inquiry, taking a small step towards him. "I spooked myself, that's all. I'm just a bit jumpy," she said.

Inhaling slowly, Joel laid down his rifle and took a deep breath. "I think it's time for us to get to know one another, and by 'us,' I mean you. So, let's start talking," he said in a firm tone.

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