Take 3| An Exchange Of Films

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Off The [•Rec]

Take 3
An exchange of films

"See Miyeon, this model is following me everywhere. Do I owe you something?" Jungkook whined like a little kid, raising a question in Hana's mind on whether he was sober or not.

"Apparently yes. You owe me an apology," Hana replied boldly earning a sarcastic laugh from Jungkook. "A big fucking no." Miyeon finally got a hold of what was going on. "Gosh Jeon, apologize already."

"You don't need to poke your fat nose in a matter when you don't even know what happened." Miyeon 's eyes widened hearing plain insults from Jungkook in front of such an important client. Her attempts to keep the whole situation professional became fruitless within seconds.

"It's rich coming from someone who has even fatter nose." An extremely small retort from Hana made Jungkook's head turn so fast at the female that she almost regretted saying that. "What did you just say about my utterly perfect nose?"

"That it is fat," Hana blandly repeated her words, "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get ready for my next schedule on which I don't wanna be late for some pathetic director who is extremely conscious about his looks."

Miyeon let out a chuckle at Jungkook's dumbfounded expression. She had not seen him like that for years. Then she grabbed his arm to drag him out of her office. "Take some time to get over today's insults. I know it's hard on you but Jeon karma is a bitch, you know?" She added another laugh before leaving a speechless Jungkook standing still in complete shock.

"Is he your friend?" Hana asked Miyeon as soon as she had come back. "Yeah—um—I mean just someone with whom I am stuck to since we were children. We are not friends by choice, I promise."

Hana smiled gleefully at Miyeon's choice of words. "You don't know how lucky you are—to be friends with someone who knows you in and out, who knows what you went through since you were a kid, who is still with you despite being so busy as an adult. Most people would die to have a friendship like that."

Miyeon nodded slowly. "Well, a lot of people say that but trust me it's not all that good. I'm sure he is still friends with me because I am a good stylist and he cares a lot about his styles."

Hana chortled. "That's completely plausible."

Few hours that seemed like eternity of the sounds of the shutter of the camera moving and clicking zillions of pictures with meaningless smile caused Hana's head to ache. The amount of falseness there was in one party might not be in an average person's whole life.

The female massaged her temples as she was halfway lying in the backseat of her volvo. There was nothing else in the world she wanted more than being in her bed under her soft comforter with her favourite playlist going on low volume so that she could slowly drift into sleep.

Just then, the car abruptly halted. "Wh-What happened?" She stuttered while asking her driver about what possibly could have come between her imaginations to sleep and herself.

"Don't know. Need to check." He started fidgeting with the manuals. Hana sighed exasperatedly. "How long will it take?"

"I don't know, Hana. You are lucky there is a park here. You can go and get some fresh air—You should once in a while." Her driver advised her to take advantage of her new neighbourhood. "Can't we just walk, Seojun? My new apartment isn't far from here."

Her driver looked at her before glancing her up and down. "In this heels and this dress? Don't tell me you are planning to make me carry you. You are heavy as hell."

Hana smacked the back of his head before bursting into laugh. "No, you weakling. I was planning to walk by myself but I don't know the way so I'm asking you to accompany me."

"First of all, ouch." He grasped the back of his head pretending that it hurt which made Hana laugh again. "Secondly, I can't let you walk in this state. You are already tired as hell. Go and sit on a bench in the park. I am sure, you will feel better."

Hana let out a deep breath. Will I really?

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