5- Telling Everyone

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The next day

I woke up and looked over at my angel and sister sleeping then I got up did my hygiene and got ready for the day

I woke up and looked over at my angel and sister sleeping then I got up did my hygiene and got ready for the day

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Once I was finished with getting ready I ordered some Ihop. When I finished ordering Nika woke up

"Morning my beautiful princess how did you sleep" I asked Onika

" 'ood mo'ing ma ma i sept 'ood" she told me after she yawned

"come on mama lets get you dressed" I told her

"Otay" she said and we headed upstairs. While she was in the bath playing with the bubbles I got out her outfit for today

By the time I finished bathing and dressing my baby Solo was up and ready the breakfast was here. I got Nika some waffles and chicken strips and solange Pancakes eggs bacon and grits and myself some waffles chicken strips and eggs.

We ate breakfast and I helped Solange clean up

"Solange how did you sleep last night" I asked Solange while I was doing the little bit of dishes we used

"I slept good it was actually really comfortable" She told me while she was sweeping the floor.

Nika was in the living room watching cartoons while we cleaned up.

"I'm going to introduce Nika to the world" I told Solo

"Why the change of heart I thought you was going to wait for a few" Solo told me

"I know I was going to wait but the paps are always around and i don't want them spreading rumors and what not and I want to introduce her myself not by the news and everybody else" I told her

"Oh ok That makes more sense" she told me "So are you gonna tell mom before you tell the internet" she asked me

"Yea I'm gonna call her when we leave here Im gonna tell her then Im going to post her on Instagram later tonight." I told her while we walked to the living room.

"Ok that's good so when are you leaving" she asked me
"In a hour let our food digest yaknow" I told her

"Alright" she said

                                  One Hour Later

"Alright Solange I will talk to you later Love you" I told Solange while holding my sleeping angel

"Love you too and text me when you get home" she told me "Ok I will byeee"

"Byeee" she said and we both laughed then I carefully put Onika in her carseat buckled her up then got in crunk up and drove off waving bye to Solange.

                                 30 minutes later

We made it home and I am carrying a still sleeping nika in and put her in her nursery. After that I texted Solange that we made it and she texted a ok back.

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