Story Update(s)

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Hi everyone!

First off, I know this isn't the story update you're hoping for, so I'd like to apologize in advance for the lack of a chapter here.  

I know there have been a few questions about the future of this story. While writing it, I had intended to make it a trilogy of stories (Amnesia, Insomnia, Paranoia) with different plots and the same characters, with each story building off the previous one. I was so inspired, in fact, that I enrolled in a class to help me better understand the very real-world subject of part of the second story and the majority of the third story. However, my enrollment in the class actually made me realize that the topic isn't something I feel comfortable writing about. That, combined with my progress in my college career, made me rethink what I was writing about as a whole. Some things I used to write about/genres I used to write in are no longer comfortable for me to write. 

However, I still like this story and see some potential for it and for some aspects of the characters, and I am definitely thinking about rewriting it, though it will require a lot of rehauling and I am still in the early stages of planning. 

ALSO (and most importantly,) I know that by not completing the story, I am letting you guys down, which is absolutely not something I want to do. While I don't plan on writing the sequels, I do want to give you guys a bit more of the story. 

I have written two additional scenes that would have come near the end of the third story, Paranoia, that either tell or give strong hints of the final fates of the characters from the original story. The first scene, "What Could Have Been," would have been in likely the third or second to last chapter. The second scene, "It's Not Too Late" is the very end of the story. So, if you're interested in reading those, I'll be publishing them soon! 

Again, I'm really sorry for not continuing to work on the original stories. I will keep you posted on updates as I have them. 


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