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Remy was pretty sure she screamed after shooting Jeongguk. She was pretty sure everyone screamed. Despite the confidence in their theory that was required to pull the trigger, she was terrified. When she opened her eyes, she was sure that there was going to be a bloody mess and a dead body.

But there wasn't. Jeongguk was just gone. There weren't any footprints in the sand where he had been standing. There was no indication that he had been there at all.

"He's gone," Hoseok said in a quiet breath.

"This is..." Seokjin began saying, but Remy didn't continue listening. She turned and ran to the house. The house was different. Not immensely so, but there were changes. The paint color was different, more faded. There was no screen door with the wood shattered, just an empty doorway. Two of the upstairs windows were shattered and the metal rusted.

"I knew it!" Taehyung shouted. Obviously he had realized something, but Remy wasn't staying to find out what it was.

Remy ran back into the house, and she couldn't help but feel that there were elements that had changed. There had been a painting on the wall there, that couch had been a different color. Small, but noticeable changes.

None of this was real. Before, the idea had just been a theory. Now it was a shocking reality, like walking into a cold lake. They hadn't escaped their kidnappers. They hadn't done anything. Maybe things were even worse out in the real world than anything that was happening here.

"This is my grandmother's house, this is my grandmother's house," Taehyung sang creepily as he skipped back into the house. His face immediately twisted into one of regret and pain though, and he clutched his stomach. Seokjin rolled his eyes as he walked past Taehyung.

Then he glared at Remy, and she felt the need to back away from the fire in his eyes. "You shotmy friend."

"And he just disappeared," Hoseok said from near the ratty old sink. Remy had no idea when he had gotten there. It was a little scary, to be honest. Or it would have been, if Hoseok didn't look completely and totally mindfucked. That was fair, though. Remy felt more than a little mindfucked. But poor Hoseokie. His shirt stuck to his body with sweat, and his breaths were coming out in tiny little pants. Maybe he was hyperventilating. Could people hyperventilate when they were in a dream state? Would it affect their real body?

Wait, what would happen to a person if their body died when they were in a dream state? Would they die in both areas? God, what a morbid thought.

"You shot my friend," Seokjin repeated, his eyes not leaving Remy.

"Why did he call you Lacie?" Hoseok asked.

"You shot Jeonggukie!" Seokjin said again, sounding near hysterics.

"He asked me to!" Remy said at the same time as Taehyung groaned out a: "He told her to."

"I thought your name was Remington," Hoseok said.

Seokjin wasn't having it. 'It' being Remy and Taehyung's replies. Poor Hoseok was really being ignored. "Do you shoot every person that asks you to shoot them?" Seokjin spat out.

"Do you think many people ask me to shoot them?"

"You didn't seem to have a hard time doing it!"

"Don't be an ass, hyung," Yoongi said, walking through the door. Namjoon was following him, a strange, distant look on his face. In fact, Remy noticed that Yoongi was holding his wrist like he was pulling him along.

There was a long red mark across Namjoon's arm, exactly where he had taken that old metal screw and cut his arm to get them out of the truck. Remy hadn't seen the mark before. Maybe it hadn't been there before.

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