Marcus and Callum/Mick

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Marcus, remembers it as it was yesterday when he saw that Callum was joining Indy car for the 2022 season. He was soo happy for the Brit, but he was never able to see Callum after the announcement it seemed as if, he was avoiding him or just didn't want to talk or see him anymore this broke him.

Marcus couldn't remember how many texts and  voice messages he left Callum but he never even read them. It couldn't even remember the last time they spoke together, it wasn't until Clement Novalak decided to privately message Callum Illot and to bring him onto Screaming Meals hosted by Marcus. 

It had just been announced that Marcus was joining Indy Car for the 2023 season and, that's the day before Clement decided to do a video with Callum. "Mate, who's joining us for today's video?" Marcus asked clearly agitated that he had been told nothing where as both Clement and James Blair knew who was coming. *Knock Knock* "Ahh that should be him now us  2 will go sit down can you go get door please Marcus?" Clement asked while walking off with James clearly not taking no as an answer.

*Uggh, why are they like this* Marcus thought while walking to answer door. When he opens the door he comes face to face with the one person he had not seen or heard from in at least almost a year "Oh umm Hi, Callum come in," Marcus said while stepping aside to let the Brit in," James and Clement are just through here" Marcus said guiding Callum through to where they would be filming the video.

After the video, which for Callum and Marcus was probably to most awkward thing they ever had to do, yes even worse than what Prema made them do. When Clement and James left the room Callum looked over at Marcus and realised he still had the bracelet he gave Marcus as a present a few years back. "Marcus, umm can we talk?" Callum asked a little shy knowing, he would have to explain why he cut contact and all that including his crush on the New Zealand driver, "We already are aren't we, but yeah go ahead," Marcus bitterly.

"I never wanted to cut contact with you, but after the announcement of me driving in Indy Car, I knew that we would have hardly any time to see each other because of Time differences as well, as when our races are. " Callum started , "Yeah I get that you didn't know  if we would be able to message each other often, but that doesn't explain why you cut contact with me." "Callum, I needed you, your my best friend, I never knew how much you meant to me until you left , you didn't even speak to me after the announcement, I was wanting to congratulate you soo bad, but to also tell you that." Marcus started to sob letting the tears run freely down his face "I cut contact because I started to feel things for you, I knew I shouldn't feel for my best friend." Callum shuffled a little closer and wrapped his arms around Marcus's shaking body, who was now crying uncontrollably "When i moved to America I finally realised the feelings I hold for you aren't just friendly ones, I realised I have a crush on you. So I thought if I cut contact these feelings would just disappear over time, I tried to forget you because I didn't know if you Gay or  not. So I did this and I regret it soo much. Please Marcus forgive me, I never wanted to hurt you!" Callum finished explaining while he wiped the remaining few tears away from the Kiwi driver's eyes. 

Marcus looked up at Callum and his eyes straight away flicked towards The Brits lips but flickered back. He took a leap of faith and closed the gap between their lips. At first Callum didn't register what was happening, but when he did finally realise what was happening he stared kissing back. The kiss started slow and had a steady pace until it came to the point where they were hungry for it, finally pulling away from when they were gasping for Air. 

"Call, I like you too," "Be my boyfriend" Callum didn't realise what he said until Marcus smiled, "Yes, omg Yes,"Callum Pushed there lips together again until they heard someone clear there throat from the door way. They pulled away and shared a small cheeky smile between each other before turning towards the door to find. 

"MICKKKK, OH MY FUCKIN GOD" Callum said jumping up from where he was sat with Marcus and went engulf there best mate, Marcus jumping out of his seat after Callum to also engulf the Young German in a hug. "Hey, it's good to see you both, happy again." He smiled leaning against the door frame. "Yeah well we're dating now," Marcus said with a smile connecting his and Callum's hand to hold. " Well finally, I've had enough of all the 'His eyes have you seen them, No but them lips' " Both Indy Car drivers blushing a little "Mick, you can't say anything though!" "What do you mean" Mick asked remembering which drivers he was going to talk about "There hair. omg his eyes, no the... " Mick turns around and pulls Lance and Esteban in the room "Carry on?"  Mick said slightly smirking. "Never mind" "We heard everything, " Lance putting his arm around Micks waist pulling him closer then doing the same with Esteban. 

"Wait, there is no way.." Marcus looked up shocked for a moment and smiled to himself "Well, GODDAMN finally, I've had enough of all the comments" Mick, glared at Marcus, "What do you mean?" Mick asked innocently "Guys, seriously we wouldn't be able to tell if you Lance didn't keep looking at you Mick, and looking at your lips, and if you didn't have your arms around each other." Callum said pulling his boyfriend closer "Ok, fine you got us, " Esteban said with a smile "How long, and tell us how you got together please?" Marcus asked with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Well, in Abu Dhabi we asked Mick if he wanted to come Finland with us, to keep him distracted from the news that had been revealed, but he declined, saying he was spending time with family for Christmas. So when we went we saw a rather cute looking blonde boy at the hotel in Finland where we were staying and when we went up to hi it is was actually Mick, and he told us that he lied because he thought that we wouldn't want to be friends with hi because he thought he was worthless, and then he explained why he said he was spending Christmas with his family because of his secret crush on us 2. We then told him how we got together, and then we maybe had a little Make out session nothing major, and then we got together" Lance, finished explaining while playing with a bracelet he got from Mick. "Aww guys, that's soo cute," Marcus finished saying 


Ok so I have tried my best to make it a little like my Mick, Lance and Esteban One shot but hope you like it guys

@TrinityWhitfield6 thank you for the suggestion

Guys, please keep them coming in, either in private message, or comment 

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