The Leprechaun and the Dragon

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There they were, staring out at the rainbow diving into the summer sea, so calm compared to its winter twin. The rainbow’s colours merged with the ocean blue, intensifying as the sun warmed the result.  The day had been perfect. Both thought that nothing could ruin that moment, things could only get better. As they stared out at the setting sun bubbles started to form around the rainbow’s base, a constant stream of air fighting to get free. Fearing someone was drowning, the young man began to take off his jacket and started a light jog to the sea. Before he could reach its mouth confusion etched his face as a little green hat floated to the surface. As the confusion began to grow a small body followed the hat to the surface. A crop of ginger hair, matching that of an actual orange, decorated the small body, as did the matching beard.

The creature spluttered out water as it grabbed its hat and began paddling to the shore. The two teenagers ran to meet him and helped him onto land.

“What are you?” asked the young man questionably.

A smack to his arm was his answer.

“Joey that’s not polite!” scolded the girl, turning her attention back to the pocket sized man “Are you okay?”

What they did not expect was the thick Irish accent that laced his answer, “Yes me dear I be fine, and to answer your first question,” he paused, wanting to take pride in his answer whilst still dripping with sea water, “I be a leprechaun.”

“Bullshit!” shouted Joey.

Both the young woman and the magical creature stared at him until he apologised for his outburst.

“Why were you in the sea?”

“Duh Sasha he was looking for his pot of gold.” Said Joey, sarcasm coating every word.

“I was.”

Both teenagers turned to look at him, trying their hardest not to laugh in his face.

“Some of your dragons were after me gold, they say it tastes wonderful when melted on wild wolf.” Stated the leprechaun matter of factually.

“There are no wolves in Aberystwyth” laughed Sasha.

“Really?” shrieked Joey “You have no problem with a leprechaun talking about dragons but you draw the line at wolves in Aberystwyth?”

As joey stood up and hastily walked down the beach Sasha turned to her new companion.

“Don’t worry about him, by the way what’s your name?”

“Paddy” came the Irish reply.

“Well Paddy, do you have any family down here that could help you?”

“Me brother but he is more Irish than leprechaun.” answered Paddy, creating a question for Sasha to ask.

“What do you mean?”

The sand began to rise at their feet, both of them scurried further up the beach and the sand grew in high, flying high into the air. Stray pebbles flew out attacking those close by. Members of the public began to stop and stare as the sand spun faster. Joey turned to see what the noise was and was soon running back to Sasha and Paddy, shielding Sasha from the rough bullets of the beach.

“What’s happening?” shouting Joey.

“Me brother’s coming to pay me a visit.” sighed Paddy as the sun began its final decent into the belly of the sea.

Sparks began to spit out of the sand as a gold orb formed inside. It span against the sand. The sparks continued. Those watching began to step back in fear whilst Paddy walked closer. In the blink of an eye the sand it the floor and so did the orb. The golden haze faded and there stood another pocket sized creature. A leprechaun. His hair was not as short as Paddy’s, nor was his beard as neat. Whereas Paddy stood tall with a glint in his eye this new Irish legend was hunched over and swayed from side to side. His eyes were wide, almost as if something had changed them.

A crash against the sand rang out. A bottle of Guinness laid on its body.

“This is me brother Larry. Like I said, he’s more Irish than leprechaun.”

Before either teenagers could comment on Larry’s staggering form a roar filled the sky and sent shivers down both leprechauns’ backs. The clouds began to shift apart at a ferocious speed.

“Oh my God that plane is falling!” cried a mother of two leaning over the rail as others stared up at the sky with her.

“If only” slurred Larry as both him and his brother began running up the beach and away from the falling plane. Sasha grabbed Paddy’s arm and asked why Larry was shaking in fear.

“Because that is not a falling plane cailín óg, it be one of your dragons.”

As soon as Paddy had told Sasha the truth a sheet of steam could be seen covering the clouds as the beast rapidly aimed for the beach. Its scales lay flat against its body as the air ran over its sleek form. Tears ran from its eyes from the speed against the air. Its tail was stiffly straight at its back as its head pierced the sky line. Everyone scattered from the sea front, finally noticing that the dragon had no intension of slowing down let alone stopping.

As it got closer to the beach the sand began flying off in all directions, a pit forming ready for the dragon’s landing. As it hit the beach all sand in its path was shot away as the pit became six feet deeper and held a dragon in its centre. The dragon stood tall mere seconds after landing. Its red scales were darker than the blood that ran in its veins; its claws could rival the sharpness of a master chef’s favourite knife whilst its tail looked as heavy as a sledge hammer in its size. It stood nearly twelve foot tall and raised its head in pride as it gazed over every person staring at it with their mouths hanging open.

It opened its mouth, showing off a row of bladed teeth as its tongue ran over each one making everyone watching focus in on how deadly they were. A rumble grew from its stomach as everyone watched in awe and terror. Steam seeped through its nose as its teeth began to warm up. The rumble merged with the heat running over the blades. An orange spark shone at the back of its throat and soon shot out of its mouth in an intense flame rising into the sky. People began to run and hide whilst others felt compelled to lean over the rails, taking in to heat from the beast before them.

Steam filtered from its nose as its mouth slammed shut, killing the flames in a heartbeat. It steam enveloped its face. Emerald eyes searched for Paddy and Larry in the chaos of its arrival, the two leprechauns soon stood out in their small hats and green jackets. A smile showed off its mist coated teeth. A heavy welsh accent filled the air.

“Paddy and Larry, pleasure to see you two again. How long has it been?”

Paddy looked up and squeaked a response, “Two years Ddraig.”

“That long? My how time does fly when searching for gold.” a bitter laugh followed his words.

“You ain’t getting our gold” slurred Larry.

“And who’s going to stop me?” questioned Ddraig.

Sasha feverishly stood in front of the Irish men, raising her head to the sky, protecting her new friends, “I am.”

A laugh left the dragon’s mouth, windows shattered from its volume as Ddraig took in the quivering teenager. He took in her dusty blonde hair and baggy hoody, her ripped jeans and worn out converses.

“Typical modern child” he huffed, raising himself from his landing pit.

Joey instantly took a step in front of Sasha, protecting both her and the Irish brothers. He stared at the legend before him, he pushed his shoulders back and stood firm with a set jaw. Again the dragon took him in. His chestnut brown hair was waxed, he wore a Super Dry jacket and unlike Sasha, his jeans weren’t ripped and he wore skate boarding vans on his feet.

Ddraig huffed as he admired the boy’s confidence. “Who are you?” he demanded, wanting to know who dared to challenge such a mythical and powerful creature.

“My name is Joey, Joey Edwards. And if you want to get to the little leprechauns you have to go through me.” Joey shouted to the enraged dragon whose stomach began to rumble once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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