→ Chapter Two ←

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Diana's P.O.V.

We run to the nearest place, which just happens to be a small, local café. I quickly look down at my journal, hoping that it is okay and not all wet. It isn't, but it is a bit wet.

We just look at each in silence before a grin spreads across his lips and his laugh springs out from his throat. His laugh must be contagious because once he starts, I do the same and we stand there laughing. The limited amount of people just stare at us like we are absolutely crazy. Maybe we are, but still.

"Let's go sit down, yeah?" He nods towards a booth in the corner and I nod back to him. We start walking to the booth and I sit down and he asks: "Do you want coffee? Or something else?"

I have a battle going in my mind. One half of me says that I should get coffee and something to eat, and another says that I shouldn't unless I wanted to get fat. I am about to say I want coffee cake when a voice shatters throughout my head, "Fat."

That one, simple word changes my entire view of the situation, and my choice.

"Just a bottle of water would be nice." I smile at him and he nods before walking off to the counter. I look down at my legs and sigh. I don't like the look of them. They're too big, I don't have a big enough thigh gap. They seem to be the size of Asia, and I hate them so much. All I want is to be skinny, you know? And I'm trying to accomplish that, I'm trying to accomplish being skinny. But it seems to be not working.

"Here you go." He sets down a bottle of water on the table for me. He sits down on the other side of the booth with, what smells like, a cup of coffee. It smells amazing, and makes my stomach start to grumble. Not loudly, though.

"I never did catch your name?" He says, but it sounds more like a question than a statement.

"I didn't quite catch yours, either." He let out an angelic chuckle from his plump lips, which in return makes me melt. He smiles and that's when I see little crinkles by his eyes, which just makes him even better than before.

"Liam." He says with his white smile. It is contagious because I smile right back at him.

"I'm Diana." I say and he nods, like he's approving something. What, I did not know exactly.

I open my water and take a sip, shivering at the coldness of the tasteless drink. Even though it was just a small sip, it did make me colder than before.

That's when my father pops into my head.

"Liam," I start with a smile and he looks up at me with furrowed brows, "what time is it?"

He looks down at his phone in his hand before he looks up at me, still having his eyebrows together in confusion.

God, he looks so cute.

"It's 4:30." My eyes widen as I struggle to get up quickly and grab my journal.

"I'm so sorry, Liam, but I'm late...for something. I really wish I could spend more time with you, but I can't. I'm so sorry." I ramble on and he looks even more confused.

"What are you late for? Here, I'll drive you." He offers and I quickly decline, knowing that my father is going to kill me. Literally.

I bolt out the glass doors of the little café and start to stumble down the sidewalk. I only got a little ways away from the café when I heard Liam shout from behind me.

"Can I get your number?" I stop and turn around to see him standing there, a few steps away. I slowly shake my head no, and he asks why.

I answer: "Because I don't have a phone." I quickly turn right around again and disappear around a corner.

Liam's P.O.V.

She disappears around the corner and I sigh. I really want to keep in touch with her. She's so stunningly beautiful. When I saw her on the swings...she seemed like the perfect girl. I knew I had to talk to her. Then when she looked up at me...her eyes are a brilliant, bright green. And when she smiles, her prompt dimples show.

But what I wonder about is, how come she doesn't have a phone? I mean, she's about my age, 21. She must be. So why doesn't she have one?

I just shrug it off and turn the other way. I walk down the sidewalk, past the café, and around the opposite corner she disappeared around. I walk a little ways more before I enter the hotel building at the edge of town.

I go up the stairs because there is no free elevators and I stop at the floor the rooms that the band and I are using. I walk down the long hallway before coming across my personal room. I unlock it and step inside. I close it again and take off my jacket just to throw it on the couch. I walk to the refrigerator and search inside it for something to drink. I pull out bottled water and as I turn around, something pops up in my vision and yells "BOO!"

I drop my water, which I have opened, and it spills everywhere and someone cracks up laughing.

"Oh, fuck you Louis." I grumble and go grab the roll of paper towels. I lean down on my knees and rip off a long strip of multiple paper towels before setting them on the water puddles. I throw the paper towels away and sit down on the couch.

Niall turns on the TV to a football game and we all settle down on the couch. I'm not even watching the game, I'm thinking about her. Everything about her.

Her smile, her prompt dimples. Her long dark hair and her big eyes. Her form and the way she walked away fr me.

Niall, Louis, and Harry all jump up as their team scores. I just stay sitting, thinking about her. Louis comes and sits next to me, or more like on me, and pokes me to get my attention.

"You didn't cheer for the team." He states and I look at him. He searches my eyes for a few moments before his widen. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

I nod slowly at him, "Yeah, yeah it is."


Second chapter! :D

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