Henry x Fem!Reader

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Requested by: IrisandStar

"Can the next oneshot be the one you wanted to do?"


Oh let's just make Henry 19? I DON'T KNOW CUZ I KNOW HE FINISHED SCHOOL ALREADY? Rose said that he doesn't look that much older than her so 19.



'Really? Are you going to bully that poor high school student?' I asked Henry as he hung up from a call with his new assistant. He looked at me, 'I'm not bullying her,' he protested. I rolled my eyes, 'Sure,' he just shrugged, 'See you,' he left the house.

I sighed, being his girlfriend wasn't that bad, I just felt a bit neglected by him. Highschool lovers didn't last forever they said and I almost believed that but, Henry still tried to make it up for me when he planned something for us to do but, he ended up being busy. I didn't care if we can't went on a date, I just wanted him to be with me for some night. I looked at the time and then started getting ready to went to my work.


'I never thought I will work almost the whole day-' I looked at my watch to see it was 10 p.m. already, one of my co-workers got sick and I had to covered her shift, which I agreed to do because I got nothing better to do at home. After the other co-worker closed the whole shop, he gave me the keys and then went home.

I checked the shop's surrounding one last time making sure nothing odd was around. After that I made my way to home but after some steps away from the shop I saw Henry leaning on his car while looking at his phone. His driver was not in the car, when he noticed me he smiled.

'[Name], I almost thought you went out to a club or something,' Henry said as I walked closer to him. 'You know I don't go to place like that,' 'I got home earlier and was surprised that the door was locked. Of course I have the key but usually you were home when I came back but now I'm the one who get home first. You didn't even text me or anything,'

'Oh yes.., I forgot to tell you but at the same time I didn't think you need to know because you always came home late...,' I looked down at the ground. Henry then held my cheek, 'Hey, look at me,' I did as he said, he looked serious. 'Did I make you think that I won't care when you're coming back home?' Henry asked, 'Well, I don't think that will bother you that much since, I usually came home early...,'

He sighed, 'You are always like this. You never tell me what you are doing and where are you going but, you have always been like this since, we started dating,' he chuckled after he said that, he opened the car door, 'Come on, let's go home,' he said. I got in the car and so did he.


We were rivals back in high school. I don't know what his problem but he seem to always tried to compete with me for the first place in class, sometimes I was at second place and sometimes at the first place. Both of us were the top students in school, he was the one who was more competitive while I just don't care.

This one time, we have to work together for a project and it wasn't just a normal project. It was a project for a big competition and we have been chosen to represented our school. Usually, I was always calm when it came to this kind of stuff but the words "We need to win this" got into me somehow. I became more strict with the whole thing.

When the teacher expect us to work together, I just wanted everything to be perfect until I didn't care to talk to Henry about the project but he demanded us to work for the project together and he went to my house to did it. When he said something offensive, I didn't usually snap at him but this time I did.

'Can you stop? I am worried about this project and you can still teased me! I know I looked like the type of person that don't give a fuck about everything but still! Take me seriously will you?' I looked at Henry, he was a bit shocked with what I just said. He then cleared his throat, 'Yes, of course. Let's do this,' he stop playing around and then started focusing, I calmed myself down.

We took a break after some times focusing on the project. 'Hey, can I ask you something?' Henry looked at me, I leaned against the wall and then looked at him, 'What?' 'Have you ever dated anyone?' his question caught me off guard. 'Uh, yes. Two times only,' 'How was it?'

I relaxed my body while thinking back about my previous relationships, 'For my first relationship, it was with a senior. We're in the same club and he often talked to me, he sometimes texted me and I just...texted him back. When he confessed to me, I didn't really know what to do, to say that I have feelings for him..., I don't but, I decided to gave him a shot. He broke up me with me and then blocked me immediately, I'm not sad. It was a great decision, I didn't ask how he was doing, care much about him... I don't..., luckily it was his last year when he broke up with me so I didn't have to face him,'

Henry looked interested somehow, 'How about the second one?' he asked. I looked out of the window, 'Kind of similar with the first one but he was my classmate, he moved to another state already. This time, I indeed have some feelings for him so I accepted his confession. I tried to put effort, which I wondered why I even bother,' I was somehow pissed when I remembered it back. 'Why did you two broke up?' he asked.

'I guess he just had a crush on someone else and didn't tell me. I did ask him why. He said that I will know. Which I guess I know,' I sighed, 'I didn't have any crush anymore, what was the point anyway,' I hugged my knees, lowered my head and then closed my eyes. I heard Henry stood up from his place but I didn't bother to look.

Suddenly I felt like someone sat beside me, I raised my head and then looked next to me, Henry, 'Are you afraid to date again after those two?' he looked at me. 'I'm not afraid to date nor to have feelings for someone,' we held eye contact for some seconds, 'Are you willing to give me a chance if I wanted to date you?' he suddenly asked. 'What?' 'I want to be your boyfriend,' his face were close to mine.

I turned my head away from his and then sat up properly, he then held my hands, 'Did they hold your hands to told you that they were there for you?' he asked. 'No..,' 'Did they ask you how are you doing? Not only you need to ask how they are doing, they need to ask also,' 'Not really,' 'Did they make you feel things like this?'

I felt his body getting closer to mine, his face was close to my neck, his breath tickled my neck. I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time, butterflies. 'N-No,' I answered, he then wrapped his arms around me, 'Can you give me a chance to be your boyfriend?' I didn't answer immediately but, with his actions, I didn't feel like I could just ignored him so I said, 'Sure...,'


When we got home, I immediately went to my room to took a shower and freshen myself up. When I finished, Henry was waiting for me in the living room. 'Come here,' he signaled me to sat next to him so but just as I was about to, he suddenly pulled me down into a hug, he made me sat on his lap as he was still hugging me. 'What's wrong?' I asked, 'I just want to hug my girlfriend. Is that wrong?' he asked me, 'No but you literally just pulled me,' I fixed my posture.

He smiled, 'When you said that you don't think it will bother me about when you're coming home.., makes me think that I almost abandoned you. Is that what you felt?' I shook my head, 'No..not really. I do feel like you are not close to me like before but, I don't really feel like you're abandoning me,' I patted his head. He held my chin and then pulled me into a kiss, I put my arms around his neck and then closed my eyes, kissing him back.

As long as he's with me, I'm fine.


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