8. The hangover

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After making sure georgia was okay and putting her to bed peacefully, i ended up having a good sleep and for once i got a good rest and didn't end up getting up till 9:45am, which is late for me. By the time i got up georgia was still peacefully sleeping and i didn't want to wake her up knowing that hangover the poor girl is going to have is going to be dreadful. I decided to leave the hotel room and find her some water and something small to eat for when she woke up. I arrived back to the hotel room and lay them carefully on her nightstand making sure i didn't wake her up.

I decided to grab my phone but before unlocking it i seen a few notifications that took me by surprise.

bethmead_ mentioned you in their story
leahwilliamsonn started following you
katie_mccabe11 started following you
viviannemiedema started following you

i was taken back by surprise, mainly because leah had started following me, i mean so did the other girls i had conversations with so i don't know why i was surprised by this but it just put a smile on my face.  I checked what beth had posted on her story and to be fair the photo is really cute, she wrote ''my little arsenal family and my girl freya' i couldn't stop smiling when i heard the bed next to me slowly start rustling and the person in it letting out a few sighs along the way. "Glad to know your still alive mate, i thought i'd lost you last night" i said to georgia who still seemed half asleep and quite frankly looked half dead when she sat up. "mate i'm not well, i don't remember a thing from last night, i think i'm going to be sick" georgia muttered out as she started rubbing her face and sighing along the way. "at least this time please don't get sick on my cargos g" i laughed knowing rightly georgia was not going to have a single memory about this. "oh no freya man please don't be serious, did i really" she said in response putting her head between her knees in embarrassment. I just pointed to the evidence on the floor of my cargos that were covered in her sick. "Please you have to tell me everything" she said still with her head between her knees. "mate you were gone, i was barely with you the whole night you spent majority of it at the bar" i laughed whilst she put her head up, i couldn't not laugh she really looked as if she had been dragged through a bush backwards bless her. "Never again am i drinking" was all she could say.

I thought about asking her the reasoning behind why she made me answer the question about my type knowing fine well i was going to describe leah and vice versa, but the poor girl definitely does not remember a single thing about that, so i thought it was best to leave it. We were flying back to germany tomorrow and i had mixed emotions about it, i loved last night with the arsenal girls they really did make me feel as if i belonged on that team, which was weird because bayern for me never felt like that until georgia arrived.

We spent the rest of the day just laying in bed as georgia was not fit to even move so i used this time wisely to catch up on some shows i've been watching on netflix. I was an hour into watching Fear Street when i felt my phone buzz, I looked down to see Georgia and I had been added to a groupchat called
'british bffs and a dutch diamond'
Huh? i thought to myself before clicking on the group chat to see it contained georgia, me, beth, katie, viv and leah. Katie was the first to text in, "since when was i british beth? i have questions about this group chat name? can it not be the irish diamond🙄" i laughed out loud at her response causing georgia to ask what i was laughing at. "mate check your phone we have been added to a group chat" beth's response to this was "sorry viv is the only diamond in this group chat you'll have to settle with being british xx" It was so nice of the girls to add g and I, this made me even more sad about leaving.

I was still on the group chat and decided to check what the girls profile photos were on whatsapp, i immediately clicked on leah's without it even processing in my mind as to why i did this. Gosh she's so pretty, like really pretty. I found myself staring at her picture for a good 10 minutes until i seen i had been mentioned in the chat.
"@freyalewis can't believe you left us without saying goodbye💔"
"sorry guys i had to leave asap i wanted to avoid g getting sick on me again, i do apologise x"
"maybe you can join us again, i enjoyed getting to know you for you instead of georgias stupid stories about you"
"okay can we stop bitching about me, yous do realise i'm in this groupchat too right?"

why was leah's comment stuck in my head, i couldn't get it out, the fact she enjoyed getting to know me, i mean she didn't exactly get to know much about me. I didn't even get a chance to reply to leah's comment as viv and katie changed the subject and went on about the champions league. I really hope i get the chance to see her again, i enjoyed her company so much even if it was a brief interaction.

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