Chapter 3

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Izuku woke up pretty early as he was an early riser, only to feel an unfamiliar weight on him. The events of last night replayed in his head as he smiled. 'I thought that was a dream'. He gently lifted Momo off him and let her lie on the couch as he was about to leave. "Sorry I gotta go for a run, and plus we have to keep this a secret". Momo yawned and nodded before falling asleep again. Izuku stifled a laugh, her usually well kept hair was splayed across her face as it rose and fell gently with her breathing, he pulled the covers over her exposed legs, lest Mineta had any crazy ideas. With that he set off for his morning routine, while he listened to Momo and relaxed a bit, he couldn't push for the vengeful thoughts he had towards All for One. 'I have to get stronger, All Might...'.

Momo woke up to the usual noisy environment she had become used to. Mina and Toru running about doing whatever, Kirishima doing push ups, Bakugo yelling at him. Izuku walked in after he had taken a shower, his training had pushed him harder than he anticipated. "Damn" he sighed as he flopped on the couch. "Hope you didn't overdo it?" Momo asked though she already knew the answer. His reply was an awkward smile, she shook her head and pulled out a book from ... God knows where. "What are you reading?" Izuku asked curiously.
"Oh it's a light novel, just something for my literature lessons" she answered tucking her legs and leaning towards him. He peered over from across to look at the contents when Mina appeared out of nowhere.
"When did you two get so close?" she sang. Instantly the gap between them widened as they looked away, Momo with a slight blush and Izuku did a good job hiding his own. Mina laughed it off and ran to gossip with the other girls. Bakugo looked away from the scene, he wasn't going to say anything just yet. Momo and Izuku in order for their secret not to slip out decided to keep to their respective friend groups. Izuku was outside with the other boys when Kaminari spoke up "I wanted to ask you man, what's up with you and Yaoyorozou?". Izuku blinked "Huh?". Mineta repeated him but more harshly "YOU LUCKY BASTARD!!! WHAT TYPE OF PERVERTED SHENANIGANS HAVE YOU TWO BEEN UP TO!!!???" he said with tears in his eyes. Izuku sweatdropped. "Nothing of the sort, she's just helping me study, that's all". Bakugo raised an eyebrow at this, that was an obvious lie. Izuku was smart enough not to need help with something as studies, meaning both of them were hiding something. 'Why am I even bothering? It's not my damn business anyways'. The girls too were catching on with Momo and Izuku's fast growing fondness. "What's with you and Midoriya? You seem attached at the hip these days" Jirou asked. Momo laughed it off "Oh please it's not like that, I was just helping him with studies that's all". They didn't really believe as Midoriya was one of the smartest in the entire class. "Are you doing it to get in good graces with Todoroki?" Toru asked. Momo shook her head "I can't use a friend like that, and besides I don't see Todoroki that way". "EHH!!??" was the collective reaction of the girls.
"I thought you had a crush on him!!??" Uraraka asked in disbelief.
"I never said I did, it was just a rumour". "I really thought you did" Tsuyu added. Momo laughed nervously. 'Hopefully they don't catch on'. The day passed and soon they were all in the common area. Mina proposed they played truth or dare, with most agreeing. In truth she was suspecting foul play from Momo and Izuku, but this game would sniff them out. The game was fun, sometimes some people were dared to do something lewd, but all in all a fun game. As fate would have it they ended up sitting together on the couch, due to others there they were pressed together, Izuku was flustered but on the outside he didn't show it - at least not much. Some caught on to their peculiar behavior, and Momo tracing her fingers around his arm subconsciously, something she discovered she liked doing. A while later Izuku dozed off, a small line of drool escaping his mouth. "That's enough for today, everyone get to bed!" Iida said in his usual class rep voice. Izuku got up heading to his room "Hey Izuku, you got some drool on you" Momo pointed out. "Wow this is embarrassing" he sighed out. She created a handkerchief and wiped it off his face. "There, all gone". Mina squealed "YOU'RE SO ADORABLE TOGETHER!!!". Izuku turned away and left before any more questions were thrown their way. "Goodnight!" He shouted as he jumped all the way upstairs. Momo turned to her friends "You didn't have to do that Mina" . Mina shrugged. With a sigh she went upstairs following Izuku "Goodnight everyone". As soon as she left.
"There's gotta be something they're hiding" Kaminari said. "I agree" Jirou added. "It's not our place to assume what's going on, let's just leave it be" Uraraka said. "I guess you're right" Mina sighed in defeat.

A few weeks passed and the class had just finished their mid-semester exams. "Phew, I'm really glad we're on break now" Mina chirped. "Don't get too excited, it's only a week off" Tsuyu said. Mina slumped in defeat "Way to kill the mood Tsu". The others laughed at this exchange. Izuku went straight up to his room to sleep. He was tired. Very tired. He slept all through the evening, until it was dark.
He was woken up by his phone vibrating. "Hmm?".
Momo : could you come downstairs?
Izuku : sure, I'll be right down
He put his phone in his pocket and went downstairs. He saw her on the couch, she always looked cute like this, he couldn't help but smile. Momo turned to see him and went to hug him. "I missed this". He sighed in comfort. "Too bad we have to keep away not to raise suspicion". She pulled away from him and sat facing him. "Well that's what I wanted to talk about. It has been a few weeks and I think they should know, I really don't like sneaking around to see my own boyfriend". Izuku chuckled hearing this. "Hey it's not funny" she said with a pout. "Yeah ... but let's hold on just a bit longer, I'm not really looking to get an extensive sex-ed lecture from Iida". Momo giggled and adjusted herself so she was sitting on his lap facing him. "What do you think their reactions would be like?" She asked him. "Hmm ... Most likely disbelief, some won't be that surprised, Iida's probably gonna throw a fit" he said laughing. She kissed him slowly at first but it became more passionate as they made out on the couch. Both pulled away, catching their breath as they remained like that. "Izuku, I can feel it" Momo whispered. It took some time for him to realize what she was talking about as his face went beet red making her giggle more. "You're not weirded out by that?" He asked. She shook her head "No, it's a natural response". She started very slightly grinding against him, a sigh escaping both their lips. 'This isn't good, but ...' Izuku thought. Luckily before anything major could go down she stopped, "I got carried away, sorry".
"It's fine, and besides, it's a natural response" he said with a smirk. Momo pouted and then laughed at her boyfriends teasing. They continued their little childish game - not exactly childish though, stopping to make out every few minutes. They both went to their rooms after deciding that after a couple of weeks it wasn't yet time to come clean - not just yet.

Class 2a were all in the common area, enjoying their mid-semester break. Izuku was nowhere to be found, Momo was gaining more attention due to what she was wearing. "Isn't that Midoriya's limited edition All Might hoodie?" Uraraka asked in surprise. Momo laughed off the question "Oh yeah he said I could borrow it". "Aww man, he didn't even want me touching it!" Kaminari complained as no one paid him attention. Izuku on cue walked into the common area after he had a shower. It didn't take him long to realize he was the center of attention.
"Did I do something?". "We were just wondering why exactly Yao-Momo is wearing the limited edition All Might hoodie that you banned US from touching". Izuku gave a sheepish laugh. "We were outside and it was cold, I think that's what a hero would do right?". They back off seemingly satisfied with the answer. Bakugo just smirked 'This nerd'. After that Izuku and Momo managed to sneak off without anyone noticing. "That was close, I don't think we can keep this secret for too long" she said lying on top of him. Both sighing in relief. "Hey Izuku? Could we use this break for combat training?".
"Yeah, whenever you're ready. Oh and I just remembered, we've never y'know ... gone on a date or anything of the sort" he said looking away. Momo giggled at his flustered face. Izuku was different from most boys, while many said she was hot, sexy or good looking, he called her cute, beautiful. He didn't just jump into a relationship with her as a goal to check off a bucket list. She had been asked out a couple of times by guys, but none have ever been able to give a genuine reason why they were interested in her, in all cases it was body related. Izuku was a breath of fresh air. "I guess we haven't, but we can arrange that". Izuku smiled up at her "Okay". She snuggled into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. 'I'm glad it's you Izuku'.

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