Prayer Requests

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If you would like me and anyone who reads this to pray for you or another person in your life, comment here. You can put who you want us to pray for and why, you could just say who, or just ask us to pray. It doesn't matter how much detail you put into it. All prayer requests will be put in the next week's issue on this page.



popsiclewastaken's teacher (I know he's been cancer-free for abt 2 weeks but still)

popsiclewastaken's teacher (still fighting kidney cancer)

Shelby115750's Meme

Shelby115750 (I don't want to assume anything but I think God is starting to reach her!!)

Shelby115750's stepdad

popsiclewastaken's aunt

popsiclewastaken's recently saved friend (she's moving soon, and I'm her only Christian influence at the moment, please pray she gets in with the right people)

Day of Salvation | Issue #15Where stories live. Discover now