Surprising Turn

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Two months after the breakup with Awase, Momo sighed as she watched her classmates showing love to each other, while she stared at the boy of her dreams. Shoto looked up from his book and saw her staring at him from the other side of the common room. She saw him looking up and she went back to her romance novel she borrowed from Mina. He got up and put his book down, since it was his turn to cook dinner tonight with Bakugou. He entered the kitchen and saw Katsuki dicing the vegetables, while he went in the fridge and got the chicken that needed to be diced up.

"Bakugou, how did you tell Camie the way you felt? I am so clueless when it comes to these things that it is ridiculous. Every time I am alone with her I just can't seem to get the words to come out and we end up having a random conversation. Then I have to go back to my dorm to make it before curfew. I just can't seem to get her off my damn mind, and it is driving me crazy I swear."

Bakugou sighed as he threw the vegetables in the oil and put the cover on the pan. Then he started dicing the chicken.

"It wasn't that easy Icy-Hot, it took me quite a while to finally tell her my feelings. You have to fucking remember while we were at the Supplemental Course she told us both her school prohibited dating. I had to fucking wait until she graduated from Shiketsu to even ask her out on a date. There are so many ways to tell her how you feel, take her out for lunch, out for tea, just take a walk. After the way you lashed out at her, I don't know if she would even accept. I have never seen her cry the way I did that night when I saw Tape Face holding her trying to comfort her. Go get the noodles and put the water on, while the vegetables are fucking simmering. We are supposed to be on food duty, not just me."

Shoto sighed as he reached up and got the noodles down from the cupboard, filled the pot with water, and put the stove on waiting for the water to boil. He peaked out of the kitchen and saw their friends making out as they were watching a movie and saw Momo's disappointed face seeing this all around her. He sighed as he went back into the kitchen and took the chicken from Bakugou and threw it in the pan to cook. Then he approached him as he was getting the dishes down.

"Have you decided if you are moving in with Camie after we graduate from here? I heard her ask you the last time she met you after our work study. So I am curious, how did they all react when they found out you finally had a girlfriend?"

Katsuki chuckled as he handed him the plates.

"They were a bit in shock, you would've seen their reaction if you would have come. You know it is fucking funny that we all thought you would have a girlfriend before the rest of us did. Especially how jealous you acted when any other guy touched ponytail or even looked at her. We were all sure you two were in a secret relationship at I-Island but as it turned out we were all wrong. "

Shoto looked back as he set the table.

"I was not acting jealous, Kat. I don't get jealous, thank you very much. "

Bakugou chuckled.

"Oh really, you don't get jealous. Then explain to me why you give Four-Eyes dirty looks when he is by Ponytail? Your left side literally lights up when she uses her quirk, and you are always the one that uses your shirt to cover her if she exposes too much."

He scoffed.

"You are over exaggerating; I do not give Iida dirty looks when he is by Momo. I use my shirt to cover her because of that purple pervert Mineta is always drooling and trying to touch her inappropriately. That is only me being an overprotective best friend, not freaking jealousy."

Shoto walked away and threw the noodles in the water and lowered the heat. Then he stirred the chicken and vegetables in the pan. Bakugou handed him the seasoning and chuckled.

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