hello love

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Darla grace Stockwell is my name btw :)
And this is my story about my life.

Tip.. Tap.. Tip.. Tap..

I hear the rain on the roof of the car making a beat, I hum to the beat making a song in my in my head while I wait for Eric my brother and his bestfriend Lucas to come out of the store.

It's not fair I can't go in since I'm not old enough but they can, they are buying vapes so yah but doesn't mean I don't wanna go in places either.

I hear the car doors open amd sigh happily knowing we are goimg home.

  ........Somtime later........

How come you always stay at our house, he is my brother you know.

"I kmow but I like your brother he is like a brother to me so quit whining".

Oh so you think I'm whining now aye?
I think

"Bro don't challenge her, she will whine and it's awful and won't stop". My brother pleas.

"I don't care you are already whining if you ask me". Lucas turned to look at me amd say that.

Oh it on.. I think

"BUttt plEAseEE I donTt wAnnA go HomE yEt.." I whine while raising my voice and making it pitchy..

"FINE" "just shush" my brother yells over the rest of me whining my sentence.

While Lucas just glares at me " fine you win but only this time, now shut the hell up before I shut it for you".

"Your not sowing or duck taping my sister mouth shut even if she is being a BIG PAIN" Eric tells us seriously.

"Anyways we have a meeting with my uncle at thissmoky Joe's bar" my brother tells

"I know we gotta go to your uncles bar"
Lucas voices

"I wanna go home, I'm not going there".
I say

"Well were already getting close to being late so you're coming" Lucas says nonchalantly.

"Fine but one of you guys are buying me some food there since I'm starving and trust me you don't want me to be hangry while we're at uncle Joey's.

I tell them giving my best death glare as we arrive at the place I didn't want to go to right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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