Chapter Two: Everybody Talks

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I wake up covered in sweat. I don't remember what I dreampt about exactly, but I know it wouldn't be good if my girlfriend found out. I get up slowly, trying to ignore the throbbing in my head and heart. I remember bits and pieces: sitting in Bob's room, Mark cradling my face in his hands, hitting him with a pillow, being kissed roughly, his hands on my hips, his body over mine... And then getting up out of his bed. We didn't do anything, we couldn't have... Right?

I check my phone and see eight texts and two missed calls from Mark. Maybe he remembers more. "Mark-" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Where are you?"

"In my room, I just woke up. Did we...?"

"You're going to be late if you don't hurry."

"Mark, do you remember anything about last night?" I ask him, ignoring his prodding for me to hurry.

He takes a deep breath. "Jack, I was..."

"Drunk, yeah, so was I."

"No, I mean... Agh, we can talk at breakfast. You need to shower."

"See you," I mumble, but he's already hung up. I frown at my reflection in the black screen. I need a cold shower.

I find Mark in the dining room, his plate already half filled. "Hey," he says when he notices me. I nod and grab my own plate. When I sit by him, he sighs, setting down his fork. "Last night, I... I don't know what came over me. I wish I could say I knew why I did... What I did, but..."

"Wait, Mark," I whisper frantically. "Did we actually do something?"

He laughs a little, "No, no. At least, not that I remember. And I'm pretty sure I remember everything about last night in detail, especially when you kissed me back."

"I... Mark, I shouldn't have..."

"I know. And, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I know you have a girlfriend, but I also know that you're lonely as hell in your apartment. I get lonely too, even with friends around..." His eyes burn into mine, his emotions hidden behind stoic features.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that last night... was really great for me." My blush grows as he continues. "And I want to do it again. And again. I know we're still just friends at this point, but I can't stop thinking about you. And I've been giving it a lot of thought and I..." I place my hand over his and he trails off.

"I know how you feel, and I don't know why, but I feel the same way." I try my best smile reassuringly. This is new to me, and I'm not sure what I'm doing. He turns an even brighter red than me and looks down, grinning widely.

"What do we tell the guys?" he asks after a moment.

"We don't have to tell them anything. Chalk it up to the Fireball."

"Fireball it is then," he smiles, taking his hand from mine and happily stabbing at his food with his fork.

"Fireball it will always be," I clink my plastic cup of orange juice against his speared sausage.


"Why hello, Markisepticeye!" Wade laughs as we greet him on the sidewalk outside the convention.

"That wasn't funny, Wade," Bob rolls his eyes. "Do you two remember anything about last night?"

My face burns, but if they mention it, I can just blame the cold. "Ah," Mark sputters. "I had a little too much Fireball."

"A little?!" Wade cackles. "Poor Jack looked so scared!"

"I was!" I laugh, hoping it sounds genuine.

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