Chapter Eleven: Moving Forward

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The sun peeking through his blinds is what wakes me, and for a split second I panic, not used to my surroundings. But then I remember where I am, in Mark's bed, and I sit up. He's not next to me, or even in the room at all- so I take this opportunity to shower. Rubbing my eyes with one hand, I swoop to grab his shirt off the floor with my other. I grab my sweatpants too, and head into the bathroom just off his room. The air is warm and damp, meaning he was showering not too long ago. Silently hoping for some hot water left, I turn the knob and break the world record for fastest shower time. A minute's worth of looking though cabinets leads me to his towels. When I'm dressed and dry, I shut off the bathroom light and go in search of him. There's still so much to be talked about, and if I plan on unpacking anytime soon, I'll need his car key to get my suitcases.

I walk towards the first open door I see, and sure enough, Mark's deep voice lures me closer. I tiptoe as quiet as I can, and peek around the edge of the doorframe. He's recording a vlog, in his boxers and a t-shirt. "So I apologize for not getting a video up on time this morning, but there's definitely one coming-" he notices me and stops mid-sentence. "Ah! Speaking of," he waves me over, and though I hesitate, I go to his side. Mark stands, grabs his camera and holds it up so both my face and his face are in frame. "He's finally awake!" He glances once at my shirt, his shirt, before continuing, "mornin' Jack."

"Uh... Morning," I mumble. My voice cracks, as I've had yet to speak a full sentence.

"Alright sleepy head, you can go," he rolls his eyes. After a moment he adds, "I didn't wake you, did I?" I shake my head and he grins, then kisses me deeply. It's over before I can even react, which makes him throw his head back as he laughs. "Wait in the kitchen for me, 'kay? There's coffee made." I smile, unable to hide my enthusiasm for coffee, especially after how hectic last night proved to be.

I'm leaning against his counter with a hot mug of steaming black coffee clasped in my hands when he finally comes to the kitchen. "You're not gonna leave that kiss in the video, are you?" I ask the second I see him.

He pauses, slightly startled that I'd spoken so suddenly, but then the cheerful smile returns. "Nah, I'm gonna edit before I post. But I wanted to get us breakfast first. You're probably starved."

"Kinda," I admit. "Oh, and uh..." I swallow, a heavy blush creeping over my cheeks, "sorry for borrowing your shirt without asking. It was the first thing I saw and I was too lazy to find mine."

"No problem," he says, turning to his fridge and staring into it for a moment before giving in to the fact that there's absolutely nothing but a single left over container of Chinese food and a quart of milk. "Well," he sighs, coming to my side and leaning against me. "I guess we need to go grocery shopping. But first, we can grab a quick brunch from somewhere."

"And groceries after that?"

"Yeah. But I gotta put on pants real quick so..."

"I'll just finish my coffee and get my shoes on, I guess."

"I'll bring them out to you," he disappears back upstairs and returns, with my shoes in hand a fresh pair of jeans on, just as I'm finishing off my coffee. I sigh, the bitter taste coating my tongue and making me feel at home. With a gentle hand, he swipes the cup and puts it in the sink. Our eyes meet for an awkward moment, but then he smiles. It's small, and almost unnoticeable, but it's definitely there. He slips his hand around mine, and leads me out to his car. We drive to a nearby diner and snag a light breakfast before heading to the store. He buys more than I imagined he would, and I make a mental note to remind him next time that we're only two people, not a family of four.

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