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Taehyung finally complete checking the paperwork,he checks his wrist watch and it's already nine in the evening,he remove his glasses and arranged the files before rising to his feet and made his way downstairs.

He stopped on his track as he spotted the man sitting on the couch,his eyes bored on his laptop.

Unconsciously,Taehyung felt himself smiling and made his presence known making Jeon jungkook turn up to look at him.

"Hey,how are you doing?"he asked with a small smile before going back to pressing his laptop.

"I'm good,when did you get back?"

"Just a minute ago,i thought you were sleeping?"Jungkook answered earning a hum from his best friend.

The two have known each other since high school but it took a long time for them to became friends.

At first,jungkook thought Taehyung was too prideful since he'd always wore those cold expression on him all the time and he used to reject every boy and girl confessing their love to him but everything changed when they became roommate in their first year in University.

he realized Taehyung is not like what he thought he is instead he was a sweet,kind and gentle boy.

The two was awkward at first since they were basically a stranger even though they attend the same high school but as time passes,they became a good friends and even something more.

Taehyung went to the fridge and grab a bottle cold water,chunging it down before coming back to sit beside him.

"What are you doing?"he asked peering into the laptop.

"It's a construction for the pm new project,I need to get it done before going to Singapore tomorrow"

Jungkook replied making Taehyung hum in response.this is literally the reason the two became best friend.

They have the same interests in work they are both workaholic.jungkook is engineering while Taehyung major in business,they rarely at home because of their works.

That's why at a young ages,they are among the richest in the country, their companies are among the top tiers.

They are good at their work,they are perfect business man,perfect student and perfect son.

Their only flaws is that,they have a zero percent in relationship because they strongly believe dating is a waste of their fucking time.

Sure,Jeon jungkook believe in love and he would love to get marry one day but only if he love the person wholeheartedly and the only person he dreamed to be with would not spare him a glance no matter how much he tried.

Taehyung wasn't really into love stuff, he's not a romanticist like jeon jungkook,he think marriage tends to happen nonetheless and he would get married based on that fact even with no feeling attached.

But that was about to change when he said his next words.

"Kook,I'm getting married?"he stated and Jungkook halt immediately looking up at him with wide eyes.

"What!!,how?,why?"jungkook asked with his big surprise doe eyes and Taehyung chuckle seeing him looking so cute.

He sighed and lean back on the sofa with a stressful sigh.

"I don't know but mom threatened to hurt herself if i didn't,i don't know what's wrong with her,she could have just tell me nicely,she didn't have to go that far,it's nothing to make a fuss about"he narrated and jungkook felt his heart tighten.

"Y....you just agree like that?"

"I'm not romantic like you kookie,to me marriage is not a big deal,as long as it doesn't hinder my work,I'm always ready to give it a try"he explained and jungkook gives him an 'are you kidding me look'.

"So you would basically bring a stranger to your house to become your husband or wife"

jungkook snort,he knew his best friend sexual orientation since he had told him he could be with anyone as long as they are human.

"Yeah as long as he won't be a nuisance"

He says with a shrugged and jungkook snicker shaking his head.he couldn't believe the male,if Taehyung would basically marry anyone.

why can't it be him?.

He had been with him longer than anyone else,they literally known everything about each other.to him they're perfectly match from heaven but to Taehyung,they are nothing more than a best friend.

Jungkook have developed a huge crush on taehyung since their first year,he felled for the male sweet and kind personality.

everyone in the campus thought he's an asshole including him until he knows more about him and felled for his gentlemanly and sweet side,he was the only one giving the privilege to see that side of Kim Taehyung and he love it.

the thought of someone else seeing this side except him made his inside cloud with jealousy yet he decided to hold it in.If he didn't,he would lose his best friend and losing Taehyung is his worst fear.

So he decided to hold back even if it hurts.

"When are you meeting him"he asked ignoring the sting that comes with his word.

"I already met him but I'm going to visit him tomorrow"Taehyung replied earning a hum in return,Taehyung paused for a moment looking deeply at the male and for some reason,he felt a sudden disappointment when he doesn't see what he craved to see.

"Do you want to tag along?"he asked again but jungkook shook his head.

"I'm traveling tomorrow morning"

"Alright.When are you coming back?"

"I don't know but maybe two or three weeks"jungkook replied making the elder frown but he didn't want to pry at least they have agreed to respect each other privacy and anything related to their work.

"Okay,wish you a safe trip"Taehyung yawn rubbing his eyes,he rise up to his feet and they bid each other a good night with Taehyung planting a little kiss on the younger forehead which made his heart did some flips.

Jungkook grin widely,It's a habit he had grown accustomed to over the years,sometimes Taehyung kisses would go further to his necks,his collarbone,his back to his stomach and everywhere else on his body except his lips which is a bit disappointing but he didn't want to be greedy.

As much as he love to taste the male's lips so bad,he didn't want to make the elder uncomfortable and at least Taehyung was so affectionate towards him in other ways,that itself made him content.

But the thought of Taehyung doing it to someone else other than him made an ugly thought filled his mind.

He didn't wanted to lose Taehyung at all cost.

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