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"I can't believe you're marrying taehyung"Kim seokjin freaked for the nth times earnings a frustrated huff from his brother.

"Can you drop this please,I can't believe my family is going to sell me off to a guy I barely know,I Mean how could you even support mom on this"he complained and it was Jin's turn to sneer.

"Oh bitch,I know your stubborn ass will complain,I bet my handsome world wide instinct you will love him"

He completes rolling his eyes and Jimin gasps in horror before frowning in disgust.

"Me!!,to that guy?"he laughed like it's the dumbest thing he ever heard.

among the suitors he had met till now taehyung is definitely the most hated among them.he's in his black list so Jin making that assumption is flatly outrageous and unacceptable.

"Stop comparing me to you hyung,just because you are head over heels with namjoon doesn't mean I have to beside I'm too good for him"he taunts earnings a smack on the head by his cousin.

"First it namjoon hyung brat,and taehyung is too good for your spoiled bitchy attitude"Jin corrected before snorting as Jimin glared at him but he shrugged nonetheless.

"I bet your ass is just jealous I'm too beautiful"Jimin sassed flicking his hair and Jin made a gagged sound like he was about to vomit and that seems to pissed Jimin off.

"Bitch do you remember I'm a world wide handsome,everything about me is perfect"Jin sassed back with a wide grin making Jimin scoff and throw back his own snarky remarks.

"Yeah sure,according to science"he mocked and stuck his tongue out.

"You know every man out there wanted to have me unlike you who was stuck here with namjoon,I bet he's the only guy you ever date"he bragged following with a mock laugh and Jin smirk looking unfazed.

"Oh I'm so happy about it at least I have someone who can sacrifice his life for me and my dear those men are just after your ugly face,none even wanted to know the real you,they all disappear when you show them a little of your bitchy side"he throw back and that seems to affect Jimin as he faze a little.

But he's park Jimin who never lost in the argument.

Not even once.

"What!!,I don't need them too,I'm too perfect for their ugly ass.just admit it Jin you are just jealous you are not perfect or independent like me"Jimin taunts with a sweet smile.

"Say the person who will soon become taehyung little bitch"Jin scoff rolling his eyes.

"I'm not like you who get dick by namjoon on a daily basis"Jimin argued back feeling upset.

"Bitch there's nothing sweet than getting dick on my pretty and sexy ass unlike your virgin's ugly hole"Jin sassed rolling his eyes.

Namjoon opened the door to meet the two bickering brothers and a tired sigh escaped his lips.

Blood is thicker than water.

"Shut up Jin,just agree everyone wants me"

"Oh,except Jeon Jungkook?"Jin laughed and that seems to affect the younger as his face hardened.

"Why the hell are you mentioning jeon Jungkook here!!"Jimin screamed back,he was extremely pissed now.

"Because he's the only person who'd rejected your ugly ass,he didn't even bother to meet you before giving you a red flag"Jin laughed knowing he had touched the sensitive spot.

Jimin balled his fist,breathing heavily now at the memory.

He remembers that day clearly,the male was the only one who caught his attention among the thousands of men who were chasing after him although he would never say it out loud.

On that fateful day,he dressed more than usual and even put on make up but that bastard never came after waiting for many hours.

He totally dissed him.

He was angry for many weeks after that since it was the first time someone would do that to him,it totally crushed his ego.

"Not all men like your spoilt,ugly, bitchy face"Jin continues but before they get on another cat fight namjoon quickly cuts in.

"Enough Jin hyung,Jimin you are supposed to get ready for your engagement"he scolded making the two huff pouting like little kids.

"Jiminie,your parents and fiance are waiting for you"he says desperately when the younger won't bulge.

"Whatever,if he wanted to marry a beauty like me,he should be prepared to wait" Jimin boasts rolling his eyes.

"So you have unashamedly declare yourself as taehyung's slut"Jin snicker earned a glare from Jimin,he was about to throw his own sassy remarks when namjoon cut them off.

They ended up getting ready for the marriage and went to the court to sign their marriage contract, it was rather a quiet and private one per taehyung's request.

it only consisted of Jimin parents and Jin with namjoon.taehyung's parents couldn't make it since they were in a business trip but they vow to show up for their wedding which will be held in another few month but that didn't stop them from sending many gifts which Jimin could probably spent for a lifetime.

Jimin was glad anyway since they would have divorce by the time.

Mr park and Mrs park watch as they move Jimin's stuff into the truck,the younger had complained so much about leaving with his stuff which sadden the two,it was like he was cutting himself off from them for real.

Jimin walks towards his parents and frowns when he sees his mom wiping her tears.

"Mom,are you seriously crying,it's not like I'm dying"he laughed,earning a smack from his mother while his father sighs tiredly.

"Brat I'm not crying because of you,I'm worried you would tarnish my image"the female snort rolling his eyes.

"So you won't miss me"Jimin gasps a pout forming on his lips.

"No,I won't.so run along,your hubby is waiting for you"the woman laughed seeing the anger on his son's face at the mention of hubby.

"Are you really my mother"Jimin scoff and Mrs park grin.

"Take care of yourself"his father says hugging him and Jimin stuck his tongue out at his mother who rolled her eyes.

He broke the hug and his mother pulled him into her embrace too.

"If I hear you give taehyung a hard time I will come personally to beat your ass"the woman said,patting his back and Jimin pout.

Jimin walks towards taehyung who was standing beside his car waiting for him,he turned back to his parents with a mischevious grin.

"Don't worry mom,I will be back before you know it"he said and before the lady could react or throw her heavenly slippers,Jimin had already rushed off.

Taehyung bows to them before getting into the car and drives off.

"That brat!!!,just wait till I catch him"Mrs park yelled in frustration.

"It's okay honey,I'm sure those are just empty words,taehyung is a good guy,he won't leave him"the man said making his wife sneer.

"It's because you spoiled him too much"she watched the car disappear and a sudden loneliness pressed on her.

She couldn't believe his baby is now a married man,she just prayed for it to last especially when he knew her son too well.

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