Chapter 15 What's a Twit-Cam?

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NEWWWWW CCHHHHAAAAAPPPPTTTEEERRRRR!!!!!! Whoa!! I'm gonna keep this AN short and sweet. Please vote and comment, Picture on the side is the outfits for the end of the chapter. A lot of random stuff happens in this chapter, so sorry it's crap but I'm just trying to move the story along.. ENJOY!!


~Angelica's POV~

“Zayn?” I asked looking between Zayn and the purple haired girl confused “Who is she??” Zayn closed his eyes and sighed.

“Angelica this is Perrie,” He said getting off me and helping me into a sitting position as he looked up at Perrie.

“Who’s Perrie?” I asked still confused on who the girl was.

“My girlfriend,” He mumbled and looked down refusing to look at me. My eyes widened as I looked between the two a little shocked. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I stood up quickly, or tried to at least, wobbling un steadily on my feet as I dusted myself off

"Um H-Hi. It's umm n-nice to meet you" I stuttered out, finally steadying myself as Zayn stands up and goes to Perries side, she wrapped her arms around him quickly and gave him a kiss, I looked away embarrassed and decided to study my ice skates instead. After a minute someone cleared their throat and I looked up slowly. Zayns cheeks were flushed and Perrie had a smirk on her face.

"So, who is this Zaynie?" Perrie asked sweetly as she looked from Zayn to me, giving me a glare before quickly covering it up as she looked back at Zayn.

"Perrie, umm this is Angelica.. She's Louis' daughter." He said nervously as he looked at me with an almost apologetic look, I gave him a small smile which quickly turned into a small frown as Perrie grabbed Zayns hand forceful wrapping his arm around her waist. Zayn frowned at her but she just shrugged it off as she looked at me again.

"El didn't tell me she had a daughter" She said as she moved closer to Zayns side, and I continued to stand awkwardly in front of the couple.

"Because she doesn't, she's not Eleanor's daughter, she's Louis'. . Louis adopted her, not Eleanor." He stated, stepping back slightly but Perrie just moved with him.

"Oh." She said simply looking at me with a bored look before turning back to Zayn completely ignoring me. Zayn tried to pull away but she wouldn't let him. I stood there awkwardly watching the two before finally sighing.

"I-I'll just l-leave you two a-alone then..." I mumbled quietly, I don't even think either heard me, but I didn't care as I quickly skated away and towards my stuff. 

I heard protests coming from behind me and looked up as I put my shoes on to see Anna and Liam arguing, I know Anna had been watching me the whole time. I know she feels protective of me, why I have no idea. I don't understand why any of them would feel any emotion for me at all, I'm just a pathetic little girl, covered in scars, and to scared to be myself. I sighed and grabbed my bag before standing up quickly, I looked out over the ice and saw Anna sigh as Liam wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they continued to skate, I smiled a bit at them and looked over seeing Zayn and Perrie standing off in a corner, Zayns back was to me and Perries arms were wrapped around his neck i could tell they were both laughing, Perrie leaned up and kissed him and I looked away quickly, fighting away the tears that stung my eyes as I ran off. After a while of running I ended up back home, how I managed to get here I'm not sure. I stood on the side walk at the fence separating the lads house with Annas. i looked between the two and thought over my options. Option one, go to Annas house with the doors that don't have locks and wait for Anna to come back and try to talk to me. And option two go to the lads house and run upstairs before Louis' catches me and lock myself in my room and blare my music to drown out the sound of Louis' banging on my door wanting to talk. I sighed and walked to the door, deciding to go with option two. I opened the door as quietly as I could and shut it just as quietly. I cursed under my breath as I remembered I had to go through the living room and pass all the bedrooms to get upstairs to mine. I took a deep breath and peeked into the living room, sighing when I found it empty. I walked through and towards the stairs, I quietly walked up the stairs and peeked into the hallway before making a run for the stairs to my room. I froze halfway down the hall as i heard a voice coming from one of the rooms.

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