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I fluttered my eyes open while rubbing them with the tip of my index finger to clear my blurry vision. We are on the plane. Wait! I slept on the couch. How am I here? My eyes enlarged as I jerked up my body upon the mattress, trailing all over the room.

I saw the door of the bathroom in the further end and beside me was a cocoa colored wooden table, Where is he? Did he put me in bed? No, Why would he? There isn't any chance he would do this but who else would. It's just him and me! I removed the duvet from my physique before placing my feet on the surface, My footwear? I blinked, staring in the air blankly, Did he… I clenched my eyes shut, hissing over the thought.

I looked around for my slip ons placed at the end of the bed, on the floor. Why is he so caring? He was the one to tell me to stay away from him and now he is the one doing things. How am I going to stop myself? I let out a sigh before raising my feet and gliding my feet into the Ash colored furry slippers and sauntering out of the door connecting the living space.

I gazed out from one of the windows whose shutter was open, "It's afternoon." I slept a bit too much. Gulping down a lump in my dry throat, I turned around to seek for the certain one as my orbs halted at the physique who was laying over the lavish couch, big enough to fit in a burly body.

Taking steps towards his frame, his visage came into my eyeshot, He's sleeping. A mild smile appeared over my visage, unwittingly which I noticed after a minute or two while staring at his visage. His features were already visible from the distance I was standing but still my heart couldn't skip the chance to stoop down and then crouch down beside the couch he was slumbering.

His glimmering cheeks while his eyes were closed in serenity just like a calm sea, His visage is so well- proportioned. I blinked a couple of times, knowing a few minutes had already passed in the process but I couldn't retreat myself. It was as if I was stuck there and time had halted in that very adorned moment of my life.

I saw him scrunching his nose over the bit making me frown as I furrowed my brows before tracing my globes over his cramped neck as the cushion was pushed behind his head. I pressed my lips together after licking onto them, they were chapped.

Reluctantly, raising my hands I propped them beside his head before gingerly slipping it behind his head, careful to not tug on his soft silky black locks.

Clamping my lower lip within my teeth, I propped the cushion behind his head in a comfortable position with my other hand before leisurely resting his head over the cushion.

Unintentionally, resting my tongue between my lips with my teeth clamping onto it. It's  my habit, I would clamp my tongue within my teeth whenever I do something sensitive and need my attention.

Just as I propped his head over the soft surface, I was about to glide my hand away when I looked at his visage and my eyes locked with walnut ones. My eyes widened in that jiffy while he stared down into my soul, my heart was thumping inside my chest and my stomach heated up along with my burning throat.

No! I would be so abashed. I mentally took to calm myself and internally did a face palm but couldn't prevent my eyes to blink or look anywhere else other than dainty his straight gazing into mine.

I gulped down the saliva in my mouth before parting my lips and niticiated couple of times before stammering, "I…I was just…-" I instantly slipped my out from under his head gaining a groan from him making my already race up heartbeat accelerate.

I panicked at that moment watching him sit up on the couch while stretching onto his locks and rubbing them with his vast palm, Shit! I tugged his locks with the finger ring.

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