Jesse wasn't havin' it (Marcus Rashford x Jesse Lingard)

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Nah fam, Jesse looks so manly all over the internet but in this video- HOW? he just looks so cute bruh i- I'M DONE BRUH THIS VIDEO KILLED ME-


Jesse sat through the silence, tapping his finger on the ipad, staring at Marcus who stares back with an embarassed smile to his face as it only widened. Jesse, all of a sudden, jerked up from his seat with his face changing into an expression of pure disbelief.

- "DO NOT EVEN- NO NO NO- ...the weather?" He leaned over, his eyes nearly popping out of his sockets. Marcus comfortably placed his hand behind his head, leaning against it, like it's nothing.

- "the weather?"

- "Yeah-"

- "The WEATHER?"

- "ye-"

- "yo Neymar sunny innit?" Jesse imitated Marcus in conversation with Neymar, emphasizing his hand gestures to make it look more sarcastic. Marcus frowned and lunged forward, pointing out his index finger.

- "A- NO- no- it's the moment of the p-"

- "Yeah Neymar sunny innit?" Jesse cut Marcus off, making him groan and tsk, looking elsewhere than at Jesse who continued repeating it as a tease. Marcus could only keep his lips to a thin line, with an annoyed look.

- "No no-"

- "Yeah bro I'm not havin' it." Jesse cut him off again, sitting back in his seat, moving his index finger and head side to side sternly but sarcastically. Marcus just groaned. Jesse giggled under his breathe, happy to see Marcus being irked by the tease.

- "You'll pay for that, Lingard.." Marcus mumbled, as they continued to bicker on with the camera rolling.


Within an hour of the video's release, the internet was on fire. Everyone began to talk about it and by the next hour it became the hot topic all around. Even though it was just a simple interaction between two friends from the team of England and Manchester United, the internet saw it something more than that.

Jesse blushed and smiled, noticing how in-character he's always been and still is with Marcus, watching the video over and over again, just to have a repeated glimpse of Marcus's smile. Jesse squeeled like a teenage girl into the pillow, tossing his phone away, imaging Marcus in his head. He just couldn't get his head off the supposedly godly man.

Marcus has always been Jesse's ideal: Minimalistic, funny, not too jacked but bigger than him to be fair. Jesse never knew he'd end up with such a huge crush on his room-mate, and best friend. Jesse is glad Marcus had been sitting all along and hadn't stood up fully throughout the video shoot, or else, lord knows what would've happened.

Jesse can just say that it'd be the end of him if Marcus would've stood instead of sitting. Marcus is not only bigger, but much taller than Jesse. Infact, he doesn't even come to compare with how tall Marcus is than him. But Marcus himself envies Jesse's comfort and skill with the ball.

Bing. A notification popped up on Jesse's screen, as he leaned over and tapped his password in, reading the notification. Fangirls seemed to be 'shipping' them, something which Jesse had an idea of. He blushed at the thought of them being together.

But that wouldn't be. Marcus has always been clear with his sexuality: he's straight. Although he himself can't get enough of pouring down all his love on his room-mate and best friend, he'd never admit how badly he loves the Englishman.

Marcus would never admit that he stares at Jesse with eyes filled with love while they train. He'd never admit that he loves to see the other being so much in character with him, seeing him smile. He'd never admit the fact he's head over heels for him and that Jesse would be the only one to change his sexuality, and appeal towards men.

Jesse was the only one that Marcus felt like is appealing to him. He's the only man. No one could come to compare with the owner of his heart.

And no one could prove how far Jesse would go, just to have Marcus beside him. But neither of the men would speak frankly about their feelings towards one another: in fear of the results. They'd rather keep the friendship than to ruin it.

Jesse snapped back to reality on hearing the front door click open and shut close. Jesse smiled and rushed to the living, to find Marcus rummage through the refrigerator.

- "What you lookin' for?"

- "Food."

- "Well- ofcourse food, but what?"

- "Something."

- "What's that something?"

Marcus groaned as a response. Jesse frowned and walked to him, as Marcus's face remained ducked in the fridge, his hands shifting here and there looking for a certain something which Jesse grew curious to know.

- "You didn't answer my que-"

Marcus cut him off, smashing his lips onto Jesse's, cupping his now cold hands against his heating cheeks. Jesse blinked as Marcus pulled away, looking at him smugly, pushing the fridge door close, placing a cold bottle of water on the kitchen island.

- "Did that answer your question?"

- "Well-".." Jesse trailed off, looking away, all shy. Marcus grinned and hugged him from behind, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist, slightly straining his neck to align it with Jesse's ear.

Jesse giggled from Marcus's breathe tickling his ears, making his ears go red. He squirmed in Marcus's grip and smiled, biting his lip.

- "It wasn't nice of you to destroy me like that in the interveiw." Marcus whispered. Jesse could only stand still and hang his head low out of embarassment. How are they being so intimate again? Are they not friends? Jesse couldn't bother to realize that now, and neither could Marcus.

- "Everything comes with a price, Jesse  Lingard."

And that would be the end of him that night.


The next day would be off to a bad stsrt for Jesse. Morning would welcome him with an irritating pain from hips and below, making him have a hard time moving his legs and hips.

He felt strained; energyless. But he managed to arrive to training from the hearty and full breakfast that Marcus prepared Jesse as a compensation. But that did no help from hiding the visible hickeys on his neck and the limp to his walk. 

He had to sneak away for the bleachers every few minutes into the training, groaning while holding his hips as others looked at him questioningly. But Marcus only sniggered in the corner out of satisfaction as Jesse returned it with a glare.

Marcus didn't mind getting embarassed by Jesse like that infront of millions, just as long as the pretty Englishman would return the favor.


Short, i guess- lol. I have so many other requests pending and I have no idea what to do, considering the fact i want myself to get more sleep and convince myself to study more even though I've practically finished the syllabus for the semester. Help.

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