For you (Marcelo x Cristiano)

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Marcelo had been missing training for nearly a week.

Whenever coach called, he would be forced not to answer. Because if he did, he'd have no excuse to give for his frequency of absence in training. Moreover, they have a game in a few days and he's already missed most trainings that would've prepared him to perfection for their upcoming match.

The pain left in his body forced him to stay in bed day after day without having to worry about training. His body is far too exhausted to be able to do the slightest of anything, like walking. His feet will wobble if he takes a step, his head will be heavy whenever he tries to get under the sun.

The maximum he's done is showered, and that also with Cristiano's help.

Cristiano owes him all the help since he's the reason why Marcelo has been skipping training.

He's given Marcelo an unnerving sort of pain in the hips and marks all around his body that won't disappear until weeks.

Pain relief tablets have been one of the many things that are keepinh him alive after all the exhausting activities he was forced to participate in. Yes, forced.

Not the way it sounds like, though. Cristiano is just so full of blood in his body that always seem to collect at his lower region from the slightest of touch and result to a boner that he won't bother to get rid of by masturbation.

Being the man that he's always been known to be, with ego running through his blood and spoor intoxicated in glory, he chooses to take it to the bed instead.

Although Marcelo had suspicions of Cristiano's weird behaviour around him 5 days back, he could never get any close to imagining himself and Cristiano ever, and that also, together.

Marcelo is just a man who tries his best to be as humble as he can, and to never take anything too far. He's nowhere close to where Cristiano thinks himself to be- on somewhat of higher grounds where only the superior can take the whiff of the air and be able to stand after.

The Brazillian just thinks himself to be normal. Despite of their obvious difference in personality, they had been friends, until what happened five days ago.

It's somewhat of a bittersweet memory for Marcelo to recall. There's characters about the situation that could've been handled more maturedly both by him ans Cristiano, which he didn't like. But, the ever changing dimensions of pleasure that completely dismantled his proper state of mind was too good to deny, infact too late to deny.

By then, they'd already ridded their clothes off their bodies.

Picturing it makes Marcelo feel embarrassed, to have done such a thing. That too, with Cristiano.

He doesn't trust himself with Cristiano, and neither does he have complete faith on Cristiano.

Cristiano isn't a man he's ever thought about being worth of putting his trust and faith on. That'd be a horrible mistake, because of how inexperienced and immature Cristiano comes to act naturally towards situations where he's supposed to act like the age he is.

Although what happened to Marcelo is unfair, until or unless he reports about it to the club authorities- no one will ever be able to accuse Cristiano of his deed.

And all while suspicions are on him it will still all be in vain if Marcelo doesn't report about it, which he's surely not going to do.

He has to admit, he might have developed a tiny bit of a crush on Cristiano. It's embarrassing to admit and maybe that's why he's kept it all to himself for only him to think about.

To be lying beside him and thinking about him at the same time makes it just as unreal as it can get but the truth is, this is reality. Marcelo isn't yet sure if he should give into the pleasures or just endure it like he's never like Cristiano.

It's hard when Cristiano is placing soft kisses along his neck and letting his rough hands roam Marcelo's torso, as he's settled on Cristiano's lap from exhaustion.

Marcelo doesn't have the needed energy to be going for a second round but forcing is always an option that they can use, and that's probably what Cristiano has up his sleeves.

Marcelona finds it hard to hold his moans back as Cristiano squeezes his ass, while the other hand rubs his thighs to bring the beautiful noises out of him.

Failing to comply with his own will, he breaks through the tension with a soft moan.

Cristiano sniggers against his ear and bites his earlobe, trying to push his dick further to feel the pleasure from the warmth of his cock so deep inside the Brazillian.

But it proves to be a hard task, as he groans and grumbles trying to force his length in. Marcelo cries out of displeasure and the pain of being torn apart.

Tears stain his cheeks as his nails burrow onto Cristiano's back while Cristiano's face flushes into a deep color of red from straining for so long.

- "It h-hurts"

It barely managed to make it out of Marcelo's mouth. He couldn't find the capability to speak anymore from how his body was being forced to do something against its own will.

Although two very simple words that Cristiano could've just avoided, he took notice of it quicker than expected.

The very next second he pulled back a bit to help bring Marcelo's senses down to earth. He placed a soft kiss on his lips, which did a good work of distracting him.

Cristiano grew seemed to have grown out of character in a split few seconds, and that too, from a mere command when, no one could convince him to display his character better even if anyone would be pay all the riches in the world for it.

Despite his very cocky character, he loves Marcelo. Something about the Brazillian always forced him to be someone who he's never been: the better of him.

Marcelo proved to be his role model, so much that it eventually made the Portuguese fall for him.

It happened in the blink of an eye; in a heartbeat. No one noticed, and neither did Marcelo. But Cristiano knew.

Maybe there are a lot of improvements to be made but he's sure that he'll work on them, if that's what it takes to win the Brazilian's heart.

- "I d-dont-"

- "Let's rest,"

He didn't have to say more. Cristiano cleaned himself and Marcelo, changed the sheets to fresh and fragant ones, and dressed him in a fresh pair of silk pajamas.

The night is still young, and Cristiano doesn't want to do what Marcelo doesn't want. So the best he can do is ask what he wants.

- "What do you want to do, Marce?"

He remained burried under the covers, too tired to say anything. He slid his hand out and signed Cristiano to come to him, which he didn't waste a second to do.

He slid under the covers and spooned him, placing a soft kiss on the backside of his neck.

Marcelo sighed in conent, less better than he was before.

His eyelids closed as he began to slip into slumber.

Cristiano could hear soft snores a few minutes later, smiling.

- "This may not be the best way to try and win you but...i love you so fucking much, forgive me."

He mumbled before joining Marcelo to sleep.



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