Red | Scientist reader x F! scp 076

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(In this one Youre one of the researcher's bc yes. You were basically hanging around your other friend's until-).

Your POV:
I was just done with all the documents Dr ----- gave to me, i was supposed to check for any new informations about some Scp's oit of the latest tests.

Though at some points i got distracted by some documents that peeked my interest like scp 682 the hard to destroy lizard.

She seems very powerful and very angry all the time like damn take a chill pill (i had to-)

But that didn't bother me as much as some other scp's like 106 and 173, it's so annoying trying to contain them and how frequently 106 tries to break out and pulls them into her pocket dimension.

Ugh my friend's kept telling me how lucky i am that i don't have to deal with 682 but we all know. You never know when she's gonna attack you in particular.

But one of the documents peeked my interest the most. It felt different to me than the other documents.

Sure it's another Keter scp and dangerous and yada yada all that stuff. But. I can't really describe it i just can't.

It's scp 076. Able.

I usually just instantly try to get done with all the documents but i just couldn't with this one, it felt like i wanted to learn. Wanting to learn more about her. Wanting to get close to her.

What am i thinking? She's just gonna kill me it's all she thinks about. She's a perfect sociopath.

I was still thinking about her so i couldn't hear the door open and someone stepping inside.


"ARGH! Geez you scared me! Don't do that! You know i hate it when you do that!"

It was my friend CJ. We have been coworkers for some years now and we eventually became friends. He's a pretty chill guy not gonna lie.

"Sorry Y/N, it's just funny to see your reactions! Anyway i came here to tell you that you're gonna have to take over a test for scp- 076 because the other researcher kinda got killed by her-"

I gulped. I know i said to myself that she feels different than the rest but me and CJ both know I'm not gonna get out of there alive.

"O-oh.. alright I'm done with my documents so could you give Dr ---- the scp 562 documents i had to look over?"

I asked still feeling nervous about what's going to happen to me soon.

"Sure i will, oh and Y/N. Please. Be careful. You're my best friend and i can't risk loosing you."

I felt sad for CJ but i have to do it or else i might aswell get shot or some shit i don't know.

*Time skip*

I'm currently in scp 076's chamber. It seems rather quiet, i guess she's sleeping still from the time she got killed.

I don't know what I'm doing but i just felt this instinct to go inside the cube. (Don't ask how you survived from the cold)

It was rather cold in here. Freezing even! But somehow i didn't care i don't know why but i just didn't and kept going.

And eventually i tried to open her coffin and i got to have a closer look on her, she's very beautiful not gonna lie

(Art is not mine!)

The tattoos on her body were mesmerizing and her body- WAIT NO- what am I thinking oh my god

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The tattoos on her body were mesmerizing and her body- WAIT NO- what am I thinking oh my god.

But then i saw her moving, her hands were slowly forming a fist that's shaking a little and then hey eyes opened.

I walked backwards out of the cube so did she, i was then able to see her appearance more clearly.

She had grey eyes, olive skin, red tattoos, long hair and a big chest- bigger than mine and she's pretty tall!

Able's POV:

I saw a female researcher in my cube and i quickly got out of there staring at the human. I still had my fist clenched

Wait. Is she alsi staring at me? Is she examining my body? Who does she think she is!

Before i got the chance to spawn one of my swords she spoke. Her voice sounds.. beautiful?

"You're very beautiful.."

Did she just compliment me?

"AH I'M SORRY- please don't kill me!"

She begged for me to spare her, at first i had the instinct to kill her but that slowly faded. i don't know why but now i just want her? What the.

"I won't kill you.  I.."

I couldn't even get my words right, it's like i can't even speak normally but why? Everytime i look at her, i can't help but wanting to get close to her.

"I.. I'll protect you.."

Your POV:

She wanted to.. protect me? I thought she only like to kill people. Why is she doing this? Is she getting closer?

I slowly back away until my back felt the wall, but Able didn't stop she kept coming at me without hesitation, but i saw a faint blush on her.

Why was she blushing? I kept thinking about it while she kept coming closer to me until her chest was touching mine, inches away from our faces touching.

"I will protect you. None of the other Scp's will even get near you. I'll make sure of that.. my dear."

Author's note:

Like half of my brain was like WRITE SMUT- and the other was like just make something nice.
So- maybe smut in the future :")

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