Robotic Love | reader x Fem! scp 073

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(to not make this too confusing, ur a safe class SCP in this one to clear things up)

Your POV:

I was just roaming around the site without any thoughts in my head, i just got back from doing a test with scp-999. Such a cutie.

We were supposed to test 999's strength and defense, we put a D-Class in there with a lighter and a match to see what 999 would do.

999 just froze up and tried to be friendly with the D-Class but he tried to attack 999 without 999 retaliating wich was a problem.

We had to call in some MTF's to take matters into their hands to make the D-Class back off and leave 999 alone wich worked but it was a struggle.

After some minutes the D-Class got away from 999 wich was relieving. We got 999 then back to his cell and we fed him some candy and gave him a sprite to calm down wich he did by purring and making little cooing sounds, everyone was in awe.

I felt pretty hungry myself hearing my stomach growl is painful to hear- so i excused myself and said my goodbye's to scp 999 and headed to the cafeteria.

I was like halfway there and i saw a tall woman, she had short dark hair, piercing blue eyes, a huge chest and some metallic arms

It's like a cyborg or something like that. i didn't think I'd ever see something like that anytime soon even though this is the foundation.

Then i saw her looking at me and approached me with a beautiful and loving smile with her hands waving at me.

"Hello! You must be Y/N right? I am Scp-073 but you can call me Cain! I was told to look for you to retrieve some documents. I couldn't really get them for you because any plant based material will just decade in my hands or me being near them."

"Ah i see, yea i am. Don't worry about it ill go retrieve them myself! I was going to the cafeteria but that can wait (even tho ur flippin starving)."

My stomach then grumbles at the worst time it could.

"Haha well it seems like you say that but your stomsch says otherwise. Don't worry you should probably eat first though! Itll be a shame if you just starve yourself."

"Alright alright I'll go eat before."

We waved goodbye to each other and walk off to our own ways.

Time skip

I finally got all the documents sorted out and gave them to Dr ---- so they can take care of it.

I got tired so i started walking to my room so i can finally rest and then i saw the woman again! She's very beautiful.

I didn't notice i was staring at her until she turned around and gave me a confused get understanding look.

"What are you looking at? Do i peek your interest or something?"

"Whuh- oh i didn't mean to stare I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, it seems like you're tired didn't get enough sleep last night?"

"Not really. I was very busy so i made an all-nighter"

I didn't notice exactly how tired i was. I ignored it all evening and kept working.
My body felt so numb and my vision was getting dark.

Cain's POV:

She doesn't seem to hear what I'm saying and it looks like she's about to fall asleep right here.

Then i saw her fall over on me wich stumbled us both backwards with her head laying on my chest. Her head was very warm.

It felt comforting and so nice.. i just wanna stay here all day with her. But i figured it's most likely not the best idea to stay on the cold floor in the middle or the night.

I picked Y/N up and decided to carry her to her room.

We eventually arrive at her room, it looks so beautiful! The walls were a nice cream color and the floor was light brown.

She had a giant bean bag that was build like a bunny,how cute! I even saw some decorations on her celing wich looked like little clouds hanging from above like ornaments.

And then i saw some fluffy clouds attached to her celing that could change colors when you press a little remote. It felt so comforting here too!

Then i remembered Y/N was still in my arms asleep, so i put her onto her bed and covering her body with a cute blanket i found.

It was grey and had white stars on it, it also was very fluffy. She must have a love for fluffy things, i should note that down.

Then i saw her moving wich i thought was normal, but after a while she began tossing and turning rapidly.

She's having a nightmare.

Without thinking i just laid down beside her and hugged her wich seemed to calm her down finally and she stopped tossing around.

And she opened her eyes wich had a bit of shimmer in them. They were so beautiful and mesmerizing i could look into them all day.

"Cain... What are You doing here?.."

"I saw you tossing and turning so i wanted to comfort you.."

"Mhhhm.. okay.. i guess since you're here you can stay for the night. Just don't snore."

I giggle

"Hehe i won't i promise."

Author's note:

Seems like only one left before i start with Oneshots and scenario's soooo. Yeah!

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