005. Cigarette Daydreams

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"This way!" I say excitedly motioning Bella towards my car. This is the first time we'll be hanging out outside of work. All the possibilities of tonight fill my mind. Maybe we can be good friends like really good.

I've never wanted to get to know someone so bad.  I unlock the car and swing open the driver side door. I get in and position myself comfortably on the seat before slamming the door shut. When I was younger I never closed the door hard enough so now it's instinct to just slam it. Bella gets in shortly after me in the passenger side.

I look over to her as she also slams the door shut and then turns to me. I just give her a small smile before turning on the car. The silence is filled with a pinch of awkwardness I've never felt around her before. Being alone with Bella is different then being with him as we're around so many people. "Wanna listen to music?" I ask them breaking through the silence. I really hope Bella says yes because I can't get through a ride with just this silence.

"Yes! That would be great." Bella answers with a tone of refreshment in her voice. They must be happy I broke that awkwardness up too. I search through my purse for my phone and eventually find it. I turn it on and open up Spotify. I look through all of my playlists and get nervous. What if Bella hates my music and can't say anything. I feel myself tense as I look through everything searching for something.

I look up to see Bella staring at me expectantly. The second our eyes greet each others she looks away. I feel a shakiness in my body from the small interaction. Why would she be staring and look away? "I'm nervous." I admit to Bella. They move their gaze back to me the way it had been a few seconds ago. Confusion is spread across their face. "What if you hate my music." I explain to them.

I've watched a every single interview of Bellas I could find and never once found anything about music. Except for gospel music, but I'm not Christian so it's not really my thing. Bella's face softens at my honesty.

"I'm sure I'll like it. As long as it isn't death metal." She finishes jokingly. I look up at her and frown and sarcastically let out a sigh. "But death metals my favorite." I complain. I see worry spread across Bellas face. Their eyes grow and their lips get smaller.

I don't think she can tell if I'm joking or not. This is my favorite way to mess with people. Being an actor it's pretty easy to just pretend. I can't help it anymore and break the pout in my face into a giggle.

I'm still looking at Bella as their face turns from worry, to relief, and to annoyance. I continue to fill up the car with my laughter at Bellas reaction. "Not funny." Bella says in between my laughs making herself frown slightly and tighten her eyes. She playfully pushes me with her hand. I raise my eyebrows at her and still laugh knowing she's only saying it's not funny because she's embarrassed.

The contact makes my face grow hot and my arm tingle where her hand had just been for a few seconds. Bella breaks her upset act and begins laughing with me. Our laughs intertwine with each others making music to my ears. I watch Bella laugh with a real and true smile on his face. This moment is going to stay in my mind for a while.

Once we both stop laughing I start the song I want to play, Daylight by Taylor Swift. I start driving out of the parking lot and hand Bella my phone asking her to put her place in maps. She smiles at my song choice, "I love this song." She admits as it reaches the first chorus. I keep my eyes at the road nodding. "Same. Even though I can't relate to any of it I like to pretend." I admit to my co star.

𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐒𝐄𝐘Where stories live. Discover now