How to hint for a Kiss

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Is it the end of your date and you're waiting for the final touch?
Has it been weeks and you want to take the next step?
Do you want to see if their are sparks and explosions like in the books you read and movies you've watched?
Do you want to know if he's the one?

If you've answered yes to any of those questions. Or you just want your partner to kiss you. Here's how to give your partner hints on what you're craving.


Tip #1
Look into his/her is then at their lips then back at their eyes.

This may sound easy. And it definitely is. There are just something you have to watch out for.

1. Make sure that you are close to your partner, at least less than a foot away.
2. This ones optional. Make physical contact. Hold hands, play with their hair, snuggle. You know that kinda stuff.
3. Make sure when your first looking into your partner's eyes to make sure he/she is looking back at you. If not he/she probably won't get the hint.
4. Once they've seen you look into their eyes give a slight smile and quickly glance to their lips.
**You don't want to look for to long but you do have to make it noticeable.
5. This is also optional but very helpful.
When you glance at their lips. Do something with yours. For example: bit your lip, smirk, like your lip a little.
Just do a little something to get he or she looking at your lips too.
6. After that slight glance at his/ her lips look back up at your partner in the eyes. Here you can either (if you didn't before or do choose something else) do something with your lips. Once you get him or he looking at your lips you can start to (make physical contact if you didn't before) and lean into him/her. This will definitely give them the hint and get it started.

-don't lean in for the kiss of your partner doesn't look comfortable or ready yet.
-don't be scared yourself, confidence is sexy ;)
-keep in mind the persons personality and how long you've been together.

Tip #2
Just tell him/her

1. Find a time where your two are alone.
2. Do it when you to are just having a regular chat and theirs is a positive aroma.
3. Blurt it out! Okay, not literally but just say or ask him/her if their ready to take that step.
**If you mention it they might take it into consideration and plan a perfect kiss for the both of you. But for them to know you want it you gotta hint it or say it.

-not everyone is ready to kiss especially if it's there first one
-some people are very serious and want the right time
-not everybody is the same

-try not to be nervous, this will make your partner nervous too
-good breath never hurts


Thank you everyone for reading I hoped you liked it and it helps.
If you are having trouble I'm available anytime to talk to you and I'll help you with your situation personally.

If you have any requests message me or comment and I'll get back to you as fast
as possible. (Which is probably really soon cause I don't have a life)
Just remember everyone's different.
I love you guys :)) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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