Episode one:The start

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Let's play,To a song that,All of us made,Wipe your tears And your fears,I'll be here

"Wow,that fire is getting bigger very quickly.." Red guy said as Yellow guy started crying. "We gotta get out of here!" Duck guy said as Lesley sighed. "We must find a place to stop for the night.." Lesley said as Roy stands there not doing anything

You did it Roy!
You escaped this horrible place with your son and his friends!
Why are you not doing anything,Roy?
Did you forget something in there...Or someone?
But don't worry!
I'm just joking around! Besides...
I wouldn't scare you when you're busy..Right?

2 months later...

Roy was drawing a butterfly,He looked at it for a few seconds,He sighed and strands up quickly before throwing the pencil. "I quit!" Roy said as the pencil yelped. "Roy!!! No!! ROY!!!!!!!!!" The pencil screams as Roy looks at it in fear,Blood is coming from it's eyes,His creations followed him...Until...


Roy quickly stopped the car at the nightmare ended,Roy sighed as he looked around as there was a hot pink car drove faster than his car,Roy somehow chose to follow it. "This is not the only time I've seen this type of shi-" Roy was interrupted by something crashing on his car,Be opened his car door and went to see what crashed onto his car roof,Before passing out from breathing gas from a robot. "What the...." Roy passes out,2 masked people walk up to Roy and take off their masks,It's Professor Marmalade and Davi-, I mean Dave the octopus. "Well done,pal." Marmalade said as Dave looked at him. "Thank you,The sleepy gas had got him knocked out for a couple hours to get him back to robotnik's lair before he wakes up." Dave replied as he picked up Roy with his 2 tentacles as he carried Roy to the helicopter,They got onto the helicopter before it flied away into the night

4 hours later...

Roy groaned in pain, wondering where he was. He heard some foot steps,He looked to his right and saw a group of people,looking like they were up to something. A Guinea pig,a walrus in a robot mechanism legs,An octopus,A bald man,a monkey coach,and a strong looking blue wolf. "So,this might be the yellow lanky puppet Dave's been talking about for the past 4 hours." Regear said as Roy growled. "Woah there, pal. We don't need yo harm you,Sir." The walrus said,Roy was confused,Why did they be him here? "Are you doing okay,Sir? Are you not much of a social butterfly?" Marmalade said as he fixed his own bow tie. "That's alright, Mr gribbleston! Not all of us can be social!" Marmalade said as Roy flinched. "How did you know that?" Roy asked. "Now the puppet talked!" Dave said as they guys laughed like it was a joke as Roy slowly slid out of the rope that had him tied up,Roy stands up as the villains look at him,There was silence,Then... "Hey,Get back in there! Eggbots,ATTACK!!" Eggman screamed as the robots started to race towards Roy,Roy quickly runs out of the way in panic,Crashing out of the window,Dave growls in anger. "Margo! Robbie! After him!" Dave yelled at his octopi,who did his command as Roy crashed into the water,Roy got out of the river as quickly as he could,Roy then noticed the octopi and quickly stetched his arm to use as a swinging vine and quickly got away from them,Roy got out of the on time and is relieved,He sighed in relief. "I thought I might have drowned!" Roy said before falling of the tree off a cliff,Screaming. The eggbots went after him but before they got to him,They got stuck and shut down immediately after hitting a tree,Roy got knocked out by the force of the impact because of the fall,As Roy was on the ground still knocked out,Two yellow shoes walked towards the body,She noticed him and decided to drag him back to her house.

Meanwhile back at the lair

"DAMMIT!" Regear yelled as he was angry of the fact the villains found out the two robots got stuck in a tree on a cliff. "I told you that rope isn't strong enough." Marmalade said as Dave sighed. "I think I have a better plan. Remember when this youtuber said I looked like him?" The biters coach said as nobody understands,The coach looks towards the computer and sends an invitation to a planet called venom. "What are you doing? Get off my computer.." Eggman said as he noticed the name of the person the coach sent to. "Yes....His name is Andros..He will help us with our mission to get Roy back.." The coach said before he started to laugh as everyone else did.

Meanwhile,back at the house

Red guy was walking around the house looking for the pieces of paper. Duck said to get him,Red guy notices Yellow guy in the backyard. Red guy walked to him. "Hey. Are you doing alright?" Red guy asked yellow guy as he turned over to Red guy. "When is Dad coming back?" Yellow asked red guy. "I..uh...I don't even know. We barely know Lesley,We lived in this house for..." Red guy tried counting his fingers but realized he doesn't have any. "Let's just say about 2 months now,Maybe you're dad left for a business trip." Red guy said. "But my dad isn't a job." Yellow guy said as Red guy looked at the pieces of paper. "Oh. I found the papers the..the green one told me to get. I'll check on you soon." Red guy said as he goes upstairs. "Okay.." Yellow guy said as he looks at the dandelion that is in front of him.

Cheesecake city

Roy wakes up on the couch of someone's house,He doesn't know how he got there but luckily he didn't get tied up again,The thing is that Roy got injured after the fall so he had a bandage around his head and new batteries. He looked towards his right and saw a blonde woman in some kind of Lolita dress that is the color yellow. The woman noticed him awake. "Goodmorning boneless." The woman said as Roy got a little offended. "What?" Roy asked,He realized the sass-mouth she has got him in a confused state. "I called you boneless because you don't really have bones." The woman said. "Who are you-" Roy got interrupted by the woman. "My name is B**TCH PUDDING! Currently living my best life in the suburbs of cheesecake city! This city isn't actually made out of cheesecake. I'm making you breakfast just in case you wake up." B*tch pudding said as Roy tilted his head. "How did I get here?" Roy looked at her confused. "I found you near a cliff while having one of my late night walks and you looked very injured. Anyways,I'm going to a city that I know might take a few days,It's called faraway and-" Roy stood up. "Hey that's where I'm going too!" Silence filled the room. "Are you sure you're coming with me?" B*tch pudding asked as Roy gets in the backseat of the car. "I'm sure. I am very good at being silent." Roy said as he went silent after that. "Okay. Let's get on the road. Before that,Just call me BP so I wouldn't be ridiculed for having a rude name?" Roy nods after BP said as the car engine start and drove out of town and into the morning.

Episode one end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2024 ⏰

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