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I'm so sorry y'all for being MIA. But was not able to write. I tried several times but failed. I hope you understand and forgive me for keeping y'all waiting🥺

Also, no proofread done!

Enjoy reading 😊


Mumbai :

Next day Karan and Teju both went to office. They both had put up their fakest smile on face and was going through the day. They both did come face to face with each other but ignored the other like that person was not existing.

Teju was doing fine with ignoring him. She used to cry alot at home and felt very guilty but was doing far better than our angry young man. Karan was so irritated with Teju's behavior. He was so lost sometimes and his attention from the business also got little disturbed. Facing the consequences he decided to confront to Teju.

One fine day, after their daily meeting Karan planned to confront Teju about what was the reason that she was so bitter towards him and what made her hate her best friend/love-interest soo much.

He planned with Prince to trap her with Karan in his cabin. They knew that she was stubborn but will melt with the constant nagging and Karan's puppy eyes. He had his ways with her using them in college too. Prince agreed to the plan because he couldn't see them so lost anymore. He also told about the plan to Yuvi and she was also in because Teju's happiness was her priority than her stubbornness.

Karan called Teju in his cabin. After her entering Prince came and locked the cabin from outside.
K : Have a seat lad.. Sorry Miss. Tejasswi. This will take time.
T : Sat hesitating and found his behavior fishy.
K : Don't worry I won't take your whole property. So stop with those questioning look.
T : Huh. I..I didn't say anything. You are the one assuming SIR.

Like this they discussed some work. After that she began to leave. She tries to open the door but it doesn't open. She tries several times but all her efforts goes to vein. So she looks at Karan with pleading eyes. But he royally ignores her. She gets confused by his actions. And suddenly all the lights in the office went off. It was not their part of the plan. But Karan's rabji and Teju's bappa was with Karan to help him pacify his best friend.
Teju got scared by the sudden changes and she starts to chant her bappa's name. Karan came near her and put his hand on her shoulder.
K : Teju(so softly).
Teju shivers with his touch but realizing it's him she hugs him ever so tightly. Karan also reciprocates the hug and smiles to himself adoring her cuteness. Teju realizes what she did but it was so comforting to her to be in his safe embrace after so many years. So, she lets her heart dominate her brain this time and continues to hug him. She snuggles more into his chest inhaling his familiar scent. Karan says some soothing words to her because he assumed that she is still scared. He brushes her hair off from her face. Also strokes her hair time to time. To his benefit she has put them open today. After some time he pulls apart from her to see her face but she was not letting him as she was so engrossed in hugging him dearly knowing the fact that this moment won't come again easily. He cooes her and calls her again,
K : Laddoo!?
T : Hmm..
K : (Gets happy that she let him call that) Are you okay?
T : Yaa.
K : Why are you scared so much of darkness baba? You were never scared of darkness? Has anything happened in these years that you got the fear of it?
Teju was lost in his embrace But his questionnaire brought her back to the earth and she pulled apart from him very harshly.
T : You..you..Mr. Kundrra stay away from me.
K : (comes closer to her)What happened Teju? Tell me why are you scared of the dark? What happened to us? What was the reason that you went so far away from me? Tell me Teju ..please tell me. I beg you.
T : You don't have any rights to ask me these questions Mr. Kundrra. So let it be.
Karan gets frustrated and pulls her closer to him by her wrists. He looks into her eyes intensely with his moist eyes and asks,
K : Sweetie please tell me what is it.
T : (Melted by the affectionate word that he used to name her only when they were alone.) Why should I tell you the reasons. I would only rant about it to my Sunny but he's long gone the day I heard him say so nasty things about me!
K :(was shocked hearing Teju's confession) What nasty things Teju. I would die if I ever backbitch about you. Never in my life I would do that to you Sweetie. Never ever.
T :(was crying mess by now) Oh stop! Don't act now I heard yours and Umar's conversation on farewell. You were telling him that how you would never be friends with the girl forget making her girlfriend who had so low self esteem and self respect that after rejecting her she never left you alone and tried to be friends with you. Who is soo clumsy. And I was shocked after hearing you call me cheater. Coz you knew who cheated and stole my project.
Karan was shocked to the core. He remembered the conversation he had with Umar. After recalling the events he got angry and left her hands off from his grip harshly. He got so angry,
K : Are you kidding me Teju? You think that I'm this low as a person. Who would promise you some things on face and bitch about you behind your back. You are so immature when it comes to handle things related to me. And if you had so much kink of eavesdropping then you could have heard the conversation till end. Then you would have realized that it was not you who I was demeaning. It was that Bitch Aashi who propose to me in the afternoon of farewell. I rejected her proposal on her face. And was telling the incident to Umar.(he was on the verge to cry)
Teju was dumbfounded by the whole information. She didn't know how to digest the fact that all these years she was living a lie that her best friend betrayed her but on the contrary it was her who betrayed his trust and their friendship. She hid her face in her hands and started crying vigorously. Karan's situation was not different either. He was so pissed at Teju for misunderstanding him and was getting second thoughts about their friendship. Was it so fragile that she couldn't confront him about it all these years. He was also shedding tears.

After sometime he handled himself and messaged Prince to open the door. By the time electricity was also back. As Prince opens the door Karan strides off from the office with so much anger that Prince gets baffled. Teju was so engrossed in her crying that she didn't notice that Karan has gone and Prince was there watching her cry.

How will they both overcome their emotions?

Will Karan ever forgive Teju?

Will they continue their bond or it will break for forever?

Hope you liked this part!
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hopeless romantic writer

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