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Mumbai :

Teju got ready and was about to leave the house along with her maid. She didn't see few droplets of water split on the floor. She put her leg on the water and falls miserably.
"Aaaah..Aaaaiiiigaaaaa(Mummaaa)" She shouts on top of her voice. Her maid comes running towards her to help her. Maid gives Teju her hand and moves her to couch in the living room. Then she goes to the kitchen and brings her some water. Teju was wincing in pain. Maid applies some ointment from first aid kit to Teju's ankle and leaves as she has further work.

After some time Teju calls her manager and tells him everything and asks him leave for the day. Hearimg her genuine problem he grants her the leave.

3 PM , Mumbai Airport :

Karan and Prince reaches to Mumbai Airport. There was cab waiting for them as XYZ Pvt. Ltd. has arranged everything regarding their stay and food. They aboard the cab and starts the journey towards the hotel they were staying in.

After 2 hours of journey and mad-ass traffic they finally reaches the hotel. Prince and Karan were given separate rooms so they take the keys of their respective rooms and heads towards it. They rest for sometime and later arrange the room according to their convenience.

Karan opens the curtains of the room and takes the look of Mumbai city!!! Where he spent his most cherished time!! His most precious college days!! Where he met his bestest friend!! His Laddoo!! He spends quality time cherishing all the happy memories. His eyes gets moist but he wipes it and heads back to his wife aka his work!

Teju's Apartment :

Teju had her lunch and took some pain killers for relief. But it didn't work. So she called her friend Aneri who fortunately was also on leave for some personal work.


T : Hi Neri!!
A : Teju what's up Babe! What's going on in the office! Did you guys start the work on new project?
T : Neri..Neri..stop your Rajdhani express and let me speak. Actually I didn't go to the office today.
A : Ohhh..but why?
T : Are there was this stupid water dropped on the floor and as usual I didn't notice it. Obviously put my leg in it and fell. Huh.. I thought it will recover after applying some gel and pain killers but it hurts like bitch and I'm not able to bear it!!! So help!!
A : Oh my god Tej how irresponsible are you. How many time do we have to tell you about taking care of yourself. For god sake you're 28 please behave like one!
T : Yes Aai(sarcastically) I'll behave from now onwards but can we just focus on current situation please. Are you done with the work for which you took the leave for!
A : Stupid girl ,Yes I'm done with my work and near to your place. Will reach within 15 minutes. We'll go to the doctor!
T : Oh thank God and please come fast. Bye and I love you..muah!
A : And I hate you. Byeee! Be there in 15.

Aneri reaches Teju's house in next 15 minutes. Teju somehow manages to open the door. Then Aneri helps Teju getting ready for the doctor and they go to visit the doctor.

After checking Teju's leg doctor informs them that Teju's ankle's muscle has swollen and she needs to take rest for the next week. And she should not put pressure on the ankle or it will tear!

Doctor gives so many instructions and prescribes medicines to her and bidding him bye they come back to her home. Aneri again scolds her left right and center for being careless. But later hugs her tight not being able to watch her in tears and pain as well.

As Teju has to rest and there's no one to help her in Mumbai, Aneri decides to accompany her for next week. She also informs Yuvi and Aada about the whole matter. They also decides to accompany them. And they said "Let's have fun out of misery"!

Karan reached Mumbai!
But Teju on leave for next week!! How will they meet!! Or will they ever meet!!

Hope you liked this part!
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hopeless romantic writer

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