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Alex and Sam lay naked in Alex's bed sound asleep. They woke up two hours later wondering if everything had been a dream or not but neither of them said anything aloud. They preferred to forget it. Alex got out of bed and went to the kitchen. While Alex made pancakes, Sam stayed in bed.
Alex half-yelled to make sure that Sam heard her over the stove's fan, "Sam, do you want to move in with me?"
Sam got up, walked to the door and leaned against the bedroom doorframe. "What about any others you might bring over?"
While adding blueberries to the pancake mix, Alex answered, "If you're not okay with them, neither am I."
"Cool. I'll start packing tonight."

Liz slept in her bed while Peter awoke in his sleeping bag on the floor.
Peter said, "Oh good, I really have to pee." He stood up to leave the room. His exit awakened Liz.
"What?" asked Liz half-asleep.
She opened her eyes and saw that Peter was gone. She said his name aloud wondering if something happened to him. She stopped worrying when she saw that his slippers were missing too.
When Peter returned, Liz asked, "Did that really happen?"
"I think so. Otherwise, I'm hurting myself in my sleep." Peter showed her the bruise forming on his waist.
"To be sure, did you mean what you said when you found me in the desert? In a not just as friends way."
"Of course I did."
Liz smiled. "Good. You can go back in your sleeping bag. It no longer bothers me as much."
"Why did it bother you?"
"You seemed to be against sharing a bed with me. I thought you were second guessing how you felt about me."
"No, we're good. I just feel weird being in the same bed as you now that we're dating if we're not doing anything sexual. I don't want you to think that I'm ready yet."
"We don't need to be having sex to sleep in the same bed. If that's your only reason, come on in. We still have some time before the sun is up."
"All right." Peter got into Liz' bed.
Liz put her arms around him as he lay down.

Gwen and Rose woke up in the same bed that morning.
"Did you also have a dream about being kidnapped to a free-for-all killing game place?" asked Rose.
Gwen replied, "I don't think that was a dream."
"It seems too surreal to be real."
"That's one way to describe it. It wasn't fun."
They got out of bed, got ready and went down to eat. Rose noticed that her socks were missing but assumed that she had removed them while asleep. She was too lazy to look for them even when she felt slight pain in one of her feet. In the dining room, Milli and Greg were having breakfast at the table.
Milli greeted them, "Good morning, sleepyheads."
"It's not late, is it?" asked Rose.
Greg answered, "No, it's a little past eight. Milli means because you didn't wake up when Lilla and Lilly cried and screamed in the middle of the night because of their nightmare."
Gwen lied, "We're deep sleepers." She didn't want to worry Milli over something that was already over.
Milli told them, "There are flipped ostrich eggs left in the kitchen." As Gwen and Rose walked into the kitchen, Milli added, "You might want to be more gentle next time. You have a pretty bad bruise on your neck this morning, Rose."

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