Chapter One: Making Bank

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Chapter One: Making Bank

12:00 Noon, Friday August 8th

"What do I do?" Riley asked, shoving the large bag of money my way. I stared down at it in awe.

One million dollars had literally fallen into our laps. One. Million. Dollars. The big brown briefcase was so intimidating with the stacks of money piled high.

No one would believe how it ended up in our hands. No one would even believe that two sixteen year old girls were in possession of a million dollars, all by accident. We didn't steal it, of course not, we're not that stupid. It was just left in the backseat of Riley's convertible when we exited our favorite restaurant. Qdoba.

There was no note attached to the case, and no explaination as to how it appeared. And truth be told, I was terrified.

I swallowed, my throat becoming dry as I stared down at it. Who would steal a million dollars, and then just leave it in someone's car? Especially Riley's. It wasn't like we were ideal convicts. I couldn't even shoplift a pencil from a craft store once because our buddy Darren dared me to. It was physically impossible for me.

And now, I was in charge of this case of money with my best friend at my side.

"Well, first off, don't touch it. If we turn it in to the cops, we don't want our finger prints all over it. Second, we need to decide what to do with it. We can't just keep it." I said, rubbing my forehead out of stress.

A few locks of hair fell into my eyes and I pushed them back, huffing a large breath at the same time. Riley bit her lip, staring at the brown case full of money as if it would bite her.

If only it were that simple. At least we'd have a quick motive to return it. Wherever it's meant to go.

"I'd normally disagree with you, but if my parents find out that I'm in possession of a million dollars, I'd not only be grounded for life, but I'd be in trouble with the law as well." Riley said. I nodded, lifting my arms up behind my head and clasping my fingers.

"So....what do we do?" I asked. Riley shrugged.

"I guess we just need to take it back. There's no point in keeping it. We aren't criminals." She said. I blew raspberry and nodded, before reaching over and grabbing a rag off of Riley's kitchen counter and using it to hold the handle on the briefcase.

Riley started walking out of the kitchen and to the front of the house, I following directly behind her.

She wretched open the front door and I nearly had a panic attack right there in her foyer. There was a cop. Standing on her porch.

Officer Doubty was the nicest man on the force. But that didn't mean he couldn't pack a punch when he had to. Or control rowdy teenagers that got caught up partying at the Svensons every summer. Or possible detain a couple of girls for waving around a million dollars like she was all that.

I quickly moved out of the way and dropped the briefcase behind the door, trying to remain casual but keep everything out of sight.

Riley sent me a panicked look, but I just shrugged, trying to remain calm on the outside when inside, I was losing it.

"Hello Officer Doubty, what can I help you with today?" Riley asked, sweetness dripping throughout her words. I wanted to gag. But of course, I knew this voice was necessary, Riley only used it to get us out of trouble from time to time. I wasn't much of a sweet talker.

"Hello Ms. Riley, I was just down town. We have a few escaped convicts roaming the streets as of yesterday night at nine o' one p.m. They robbed a bank shortly after and stole about a million to 1.5 million in cash. It was put into a brown briefcase." He indicated the size of the case and I nearly lost it.

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