Chapter 1

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Tamara's p.o.v
Pain, that's all I felt these days, and endless hell of tears , lies and drugs. Despite how hard I try he never leaves my mind , his words are on a constant loop in my head . Romeo tries to comfort me but to no avail , he's met someone else now and there happy. She's given him the life I never could and now all I have are the memories of when he was mine. If he ever was..

2 years earlier ...

Marcelo's p.o.v
All I saw was red , anger flooded threw me and I let it. Revenge was the only thing on my mind, how dare they betray me. ME! Marcelo Valentine , my name used to petrify the names of all! Even my best friend, Romeo wouldn't dare to disobey me but these foolish twats think they can steal from ME and not pay the price! My mind raced through all the possible ways of making these bastards suffer .

Romeo struts up to me , a morbid expression painted on his face as he hands me the file of the soon to be dead bitches who dare try to pull a fast one on me.

" here's the files you asked for cel cel " Romeo informed me a sly smirk on his face as he just called me me LEAST favourite nickname in this entire fucking universe.

I nodded in response and added "yes I didn't and how many times have I told you I hate that fucking pathetic excuse for a nickname?"

"Oh don't be bitter we both know you love it" retorted Romeo "you said so yourself last Saturday "

"I was drunk then and call me that one more time and I'll call your mother and tel her how you had a threesome with Tania and Lorenzo for a week before slaughtering them out of embarrassment "
I snapped , pleased with myself for my pettiness .

Called Romeo revealing his extremely dramatic side as I turned on the heels of my flawless shiny shoes and strutted off , incredibly pleased with myself.

He always made me feel better , he was the only person who can tame the firey anger of my personality I didn't even mind him calling me cel cel but of course i could never tell him that , it would got straight to his already enormous head !

"Boss! Boss we got those backstabbing motherfuckers you wanted ." Said Dimitri gesturing to the door which was one of the many rooms we use for torturing and killing unwanted prisoners .

"Yes thank you and can you bring me my torture bag please" I lightly responded acting I didn't just ask for a fucking torture bag.

I threw open the doors and strode into the room , as always all eyes were on me but this time not in fear or admiration but in defeat . They knew they were going to die.

I pulled up a chair as a desperate Dimitri ran in with my torture bag. It was almost alarming how dead set Dimitri was on pleasing me , but I didn't mind as long as he's loyal I couldn't care how much of a sucker he is .

I responded via nodding in thanks and taking my bag of Him . When he turned to leave my eyes turned dark and malicious as I zipped open my bag of weapons pulling out my favourite weapon

A blow torch ...

Authors note:
Hi everyone this is the first chapter of the book and it's quite short only 584 words but I am going to make longer ones soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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