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Namjoon:"Everyone, living room, now!"

Namjoon said as he started walking to the living room. His deep,cold yet calm voice send shivers down my spine. They all followed him and so did I. I don't have choices anyway, now I have to listen to them.

As I reached there all of them were already sitting probably waiting for me. I stood there not knowing what should I do now. I am afraid.

Namjoon:"Sit down Yn"

He spoke bringing me back to reality. I slowly approached the armchair and sat there silently. I waited for them to speak but no one even tried. Everyone just looked at the small table in between the couches. Then Namjoon again spoke.

Namjoon:"So Yn, as I now got the chance to talk to you about this without mom and dad I will talk. As you are now Kim and you are living with us, you have to know some rules."

I Just nodded my head indicating that I understand and to continue.

Jin:"Never go anywhere outside the house without informing one of us"

Yoongi:"Never enter in our rooms without our permission"

Jimin:"Never go to the basement"

Hoseok:"Don't talk back to us and no cursing"

It's not like I can.

Taehyung:"Don't touch our personal things"

Jungkook:"And the most important thing NEVER ENTER THE LAST TWO ROOMS IN THE HALL IN UPSTAIRS"

he said that with a strict, scary voice. I got goosebumps.

Namjoon:"And few more informations. From now on you are going to go to school with us. When we are not home there are always maids and guards, if you need anything just ask them."

I just nod on his every word telling that I understand. I can follow every of those rules cause I live like that so no problem for me.

Namjoon:"Do you have something to ask or say. Are you ok with those rules."

He said and I shot my head up. Is he really asking me that. Does he really not know that I am mute. Now how am I supposed to tell them. I am just gonna inform mom about it ,she is gonna take care of it.

Namjoon:"Yn? Is everything ok?"

He asked bringing me back to reality again. I just nod my head saying everything is ok and I am ok with the rules.

He then sighed. That sigh felt a bit disappointing but I shrugged it. Then I thought of how to ask them can I go to my room.

Jin:"If you want you can go to your room"

Said Jin and I immediately ran to my room and closed the door.

Namjoon POV

We said everything that she has to know.
She just nod. I then asked if she has some questions or anything to say. I just hoped that she did because in this week and a half I still didn't heard her say a word. I started doubting that she can't speak but I don't know yet.

She again just nodded. Is she afraid of us or she really can't speak ? Then Jin hyung said if she want to go to her room and she ran as soon as he finished saying. I sighed. I think I'm going to ask mom about this. Then slowly we all went to our room one by one. I ended up the last one.

I entered my room and took my phone. I sat on the bed and opened a massage I received a while ago.

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