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Jimin POV

Jungkook:"H.. hyung, what are we gonna do. It's been almost two hours already and she is still in there. She had to take her medicine an hour ago but I couldn't get it to her, she locked herself."

We were sitting in the living room for past one and a half hour. Jungkook started crying and almost cutting himself for not being a good, responsible brother even tho he didn't do anything. He was trying to call her and make her open the door for almost half an hour and we somehow managed to get him here, away from her room door. Namjoon Hyung went to Taehyung few minutes ago. He said he is gonna talk to him about all this.

Jungkook:"Wha.....what i..if she hav....have done som... something to her.. herself!? Is she ok? I have to go and check!"

He said and tried to stand up but Jin hyung and Hobi hyung pulled him back down. They were calming him.

I can't take it anymore. I am going to her now. What if she really have done something to herself. I sneaked out of the living room and went upstairs. I stood Infront of her door and stared at it blankly. I then took a deep breath and knocked a bit.

Jimin:"Yn? Hey, it's me, Jimin. I just came to check on you. You know, it's been so long since you are in there and everyone are worried, so isn't it time to come out already. And also do you know that Jungkook is down there crying for last half an hour because he blame himself for what happened even tho he did nothing? -sigh- I just wanted you to know that, that's it. And also you shouldn't worry about Taehyung, he is grounded now so there is no reason to be afraid ok? Well, I guess you are sleeping or something but if you are not sleeping then I hope that you heard all that I just said. Be aware that we will be waiting for you to open even if it needs weeks, and also remember that everyone is there for you so don't hesitate to come for a comfort."

I said and waited for a bit more in case she will open or give any sign that she want me to come in, but....there was nothing. I sighed and turned to go back down but then I heard door opening.


I don't know how long have I been locked in here but I know that I am afraid and I just want someone to hug me and say something that will make me feel better. Only my oppa was good enough in that, I mean mom and dad were also always there for me especially mom after that accident but still oppa's embrace was my safety place. I was thinking deeply when I heard a slight, almost not hearable, knock on the door and then someone started speaking. Trough his speaking I got to know it's Jimin oppa. Yes I call them all oppa now.

When I heard that Jungkook oppa was crying and blaming himself, I got worried. His words are so soothing and soft, just beautiful. The last sentence pulled me off the bed. I need it now, I can't take it  anymore, I need someone to be beside me and seems like he is the closest right now.

I somehow managed to get to the door and opened it slowly. When I opened it I saw he was about to leave. He turned to me and looked straight in my eyes. My eyes got teary instantly. He came a little closer and I didn't wasted any second and hugged him tightly. He seemed to be shocked at first but then hugged me back. I started crying in his embrace. He just hugged me securely and whispered some soft things.  He then, all of a sudden lifted me up but still carefully to not  hurt me and went inside my room. He sat on the bed and put me on his lap. He was still hugging me, now caressing my hair. I felt somehow, safe. He was humming a soft, calming melody while rocking me side to side on his lap. I was hugging his waist tightly but still calmed a bit cause of his actions.

Soon I calmed fully and pulled back from the hug, still on his lap. He smiled at me a little and put the strand of my hair behind my ear.

Jimin:"Are you ok now?"

He asked looking at me softly. I nod my head a little.

Jimin:"Are you hungry? Should we go downstairs and get something to eat? And also there is someone who really wanna see you."

He said tilting his head a little. I slowly nodded and confirmed his every question. He smiled and slowly pick me up and head to downstairs.

Firstly he took me to living room where,I assume, everyone were. As soon as we entered I was taken from Jimin oppa's hands to someone else's. And that someone was none other than Jungkook oppa. He hugged me tightly and I was just holding onto his neck to preserve myself from falling. He snuggled in the crock of my neck and.... sobbed? I somehow stand on my one, healthy, leg and pulled away from hug. I looked at him. His big doe eyes were so red as well as his nose. Seems like he was really crying pretty much, and still is. Tears were one by one leaving his eyes and wetting his cheeks.

I smiled at him softly and wiped his tears off. I leaned a bit and kissed his cheek, and hugged him again patting his back.

Jungkook:"Oh Ynie. You scared me so much. Please don't do that again ok?"

He asked and I pulled back from hug and nodded. I then looked at others. They also seemed like they cried but less than Jungkook did.

Jin:"You ok Yn?"

I nodded again.

Jimin:"Yn, do you want me to bring food here or you will come with me and eat there."

He asked and I looked at him. I pointed at kitchen and he smiled. He came and picked me up and headed to kitchen.


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