I Want

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"Stop it, Kyle. You're drunk. Get off of me." I snap at my boyfriend. His hands are on pulling me in close as the music in the club pulses. He leans in again, attempting to meet my lips to his. I smell the beer in his breath and I push him away. 

"Come on, Piper, babe. You're practically begging for me in that dress." He slurs. I slap him and his face turns. 

"You bitch!" Kyle snatches my wrist and pulls me to his chest. I turn my face and the top of my head slams into his mouth. He groans and brings a hand to his mouth, which is bleeding. He shoves me back, causing me to knock into the girl behind us.

"Look at what you did, you whore." He spats at me. His hand comes up and hits my face. I feel tears stinging in my eyes. I knee him between the legs and turn around quickly. I push through the crowd of people and shove open the exit door. Cold, fresh air hits me and I take a deep breath. I start to run down the street as carefully as I can in my heels. The street is deserted and dark, with only one working street light. I stop running and continue in a fast paced walk. My feet are killing me and my face hurts. My hand comes to my face and I wipe away my tears. I'm in shock, Kyle's never acted this way before. He's always been so sweet and caring. He would never hurt a fly. Where did this come from. My body shivers and I hear a car coming. Shit.. I think. As I suspected, the car stops beside me. I stop walking and look at it. It's a black van with tinted windows. The passengers window rolls down and I see a guy with blonde hair leaning over to be closer to the window. 

"Hey, need a lift?" He asks in a strong irish accent. I ponder this for a minute. He's not exactly scary looking, but you never know. 

"No thank you." I answer with a smile. I begin to walk again and the car slowly pulls beside me. 

"Come on, a pretty girl like you won't last much longer out here. The creepers come out at 2." The man says. I stop again.

"Look, I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Let alone get into their cars." I sigh. 

"Says who? Your mum? I won't hurt you like whoever hit you did." He replies. I look over at him.

"How'd you know someone hit me? He didn't mean too... he's just wasted." I stutter. 

"I can see the bruise on your face, even in this light. Just let me take you home. I'm trying to be nice," He offers again. I'm shocked, confused, and dazed but even though everything in me is screaming don't get in the car, I do it anyways. I open the van door and the guy leans back into his seat. I buckle my seat belt and lean against the door. 

"Where do you live?" He asks me.

"I live with my boyfriend, he's the one who hit me." I answer. He looks over at me and raises his eye brows.

"You wanna go back to his place? If you come to mine you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch. I don't know if going back to him is such a good idea.." he says, focussing on one of my eyes. I think I have a black eye, it's starting to hurt. Everything is starting to hurt. 

"Sure" I shrug. All I want is to go to sleep. I'm tired and in pain, not exactly in the mood to deal with Kyle right now, anyways. There's no music playing and it's awkwardly quiet for a bit.

"I'm Niall, by the way." He says out of the blue. I look over at him and meet his eyes. A street light shines onto his face and highlights his features. 

"Piper." I smile. Niall smiles back and turns his attention to the road again when my phone starts to ring.

"Hello?" I answer the phone. 

"Where are you?" Kyle asks on the other line. I breath in quickly. 

"I'm staying at a friends house.." I trail off. Niall isn't really a friend, a stranger actually. But I don't know how Kyle will react if I tell him I've just met him. 

"Who? Are you cheating on me? Come home." He demands. Niall glances at me and raises an eyebrow. He must have heard that. 

"No, I'm not cheating on you! I don't want to come home tonight. I will tomorrow." I lie. I don't plan on going back; unless it's to get my things. 

"Fucking come home. I'm not done with you, Piper." Kyle shouts into the phone. Niall stops the car and reaches for my phone. I let go of it because I'm surprised. 

"Look here you asshole. She isn't coming home to you so you can beat her again. You've hurt a very beautiful girl and it will not be happening again. So fuck off." Niall growls. He ends the call and returns the phone to me.

"Thank you." I mutter to him. He nods and continues to drive again. I watch the world outside fly by as he goes. 

"Piper, wake up." Niall whispers into my ear. I open my eyes drowsily and realise I had fallen asleep. Niall had opened my door and was standing outside, leaning in. 

"Let me get that," Niall grins at me. He reaches over and unbuckles the seat belt and pulls it back. He takes my hand and helps me out. I stumble on my heels and he secures an arm around my waist. We walk to the front door and he pulls out his key. 

"Where are we?" I yawn, forgetting everything for a second. 

"We're at my place." Niall answers, opening the door. I follow him inside. 

"This is where you'll be sleeping." He smiles at me as he leads me to a bedroom. There's a huge bed with messy sheets on it. The floor is littered with dirty clothes, but I don't mind. I rush to the bed and sit down and proceed in removing the shoes that have murdered my feet. I fall backwards and let the bed absorb me. I sigh out happily. 

"Okay.. well.. Goodnight." Niall smiles awkwardly.

"Where are you sleeping?" I ask him.

"Out on the couch." He answers, leaning in the bedroom doorway.

"What? No. I can't take your bed." 

"Piper, no." 

"Niall, yes. I refuse to let you sleep on the couch. This bed is more than big enough for two." I reply before I realise what I'm saying. Suddenly, I'm blushing as Niall laughs at me.

"So, you want to sleep with me?" He asks while raising an eyebrow. 

"Not in that sense." I reply blushing again. 

"Well, if you're going to make such a big deal of it; I will sleep with you." Niall winks as he walks to the bed. I roll my eyes at him. My mother wouldn't be proud of me right now, laying in bed with a stranger at his house isn't the best choice. But what she doesn't know won't kill her. He takes off his shirt and throws it on the ground. I sigh and shake my head at him. 

"Do you need pajamas?" He asks me. I nod my head. He goes to a dresser and pulls out plaid pajama pants and a white shirt. Then he tosses them to me. Niall leaves the room so I can change.  I sigh when I think of how I have to get the dress I'm wearing off. I walk out of the bedroom.

"Um, Niall?" I call out. I hear him walking towards me.

"Yes?" He asks me. 

"Can you uh, unzip my dress?" I sheepishly ask him. Niall laughs at my awkwardness and gestures for me to turn around. His hand finds the zipper and he pulls it down with ease. His warm hand catches my back and it sends shivers through out me. I turn around, holding the top of my dress up.

"Thanks.." I say smiling. He nods his head and walks away. I reenter the bedroom and get dressed in the clothes Niall gave me. 

"I'm done." I call out. Niall walks into the room as I'm pulling the covers over me. He flips off the lights and pulls off his pants. I can feel my face turn red as I watch him. He looks up at me and grins, making me look away from embarrassment. Niall laughs and climbs into the bed. I roll onto my side, facing away from him. I feel an arm snake under my neck as Niall scoots closer to me. I take a deep breath and turn to my other side. I lay an arm on his chest and close my eyes; feeling the best I have all night. 

A/N: Thank you for reading, sorry I'm such a horrid writer. Umm, do you want me to continue or stop? xx <3 

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