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I wake up slowly, forgetting where I am. I look at the chest I'm laying on, confused by not seeing the familiar tattoos that Kyle has. Then, it hits me. I look up to see a handsome man, his features soft while he's sleeping. His blond hair in still messy, sticking up in places. His chest rises and falls steadily. I watch him sleep, liking the way his face looks in the sunlight streaming through the thing curtains covering the windows. His arm is slung over me, and my I'm pushed against his side. His grip is still firm, even while sleeping. I take this time to look over his exposed chest, which is toned. His arms are muscular, budging slightly against me. I yawn and bring a hand to my eyes to rub them. Niall sighs in his sleep. I carefully remove his arm and get off of the bed. I tip toe out of the room and don't notice Niall stirring behind me in bed. He watches me leave the room quietly and lays in bed while I enter the kitchen. My stomach growls, and I begin to search the cabinets. I find some cheap cereal and some bowls, along with a bit of milk left in the fridge and a spoon. After pouring the cereal and milk into the bowl I put everything back and sit on the sofa in his living room. I sit down onto the soft couch, bringing my knees up and setting the bowl on my legs. I begin to eat when I hear footsteps.

"Good morning," Niall greets me in his morning voice. I look behind me as he leans on the head of the couch.

"Good morning." I reply after finishing my breakfast.

"Help yourself to my food." He grins, nodding towards my bowl. I grin back and get up. Niall follows me to the kitchen and I set my bowl in the sink. I turn around and am greeted with the sight of Niall standing in his Calvin Klein underwear. My face turns red as I turn away. Niall laughs at me.

"Why are you so shy?" He asks me from behind. He had walked closer to me. 

"I don't know.. I just am I guess." I shrug.

"Well that explains it." Niall laughs. I turn around and smile at him, then walk back to his bedroom. He follows behind me. 

"I need to go back to my place," I begin.

"Why? You're going back to that asshole? What if he hits you again?" Niall asks sharply. I take a step back and hold my hands up ind defense. 

"I just need to get some clothes, Niall." I tell him. 

"Oh. Okay." He says. He pulls some pants from his dresser and puts on along with a shirt. Then he grabs a snap back and puts it on with some black sunglasses. I laugh at him.

"Why are you getting all dressed up?" I ask.

"Because it's in the middle of the day and people will most likely recognize me." Niall informs me. 

"Recognize you?" I ask confused. 

"Wait, whoa. You don't know who I am, do you?" He asks me nicely. 

"Um, well. I know that your first name is Niall.." I answer

"Piper, I'm in the biggest boy band in the world. You know, One Direction?" Niall laughs.

"Ooh, okay. Yeah, no. I don't know.. Sorry." I blush. Niall laughs again and shrugs, then we walk to his car. We get in and he takes off once I give him directions.

"Do you have a key for the house?" He asks me. I nod my head 'yes' and show him the house key. We sit quietly while the radio plays some random songs. Niall sings along in a voice just above a whisper. Niall pulls up into the driveway at Kyle's house and parks the car. We both get out and I notice that the lights are on. I sigh, not wanting to deal with this drama. I turn around to look at Niall and he smiles reassuringly. I take a deep breath and walk into the house with Niall close behind me.

"Hey! You're back! I missed you baby." Kyle says from the couch. I ignore him and walk to my (now old) bedroom. Niall is still behind me and he helps me pack a suitcase.

"What are you doing? You leaving me? Who's this prick?"  Kyle demands from the doorway. I look up to see a beer bottle in his hand and I ignore his questions. Once we're done packing, I grab the suitcase and shoulder check Kyle as I walk out of the bedroom. Niall glares at Kyle and shoves him to the ground. He hasn't been happy since he layed eyes on Kyle, I could tell. Kyle drops his beer and it breaks, which pisses him off.

"The fuck you want, jack ass?" Kyle shouts from the ground. Niall towers over him and he stares down, fuming. I sprint over to Niall and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, he isn't worth it." I whisper into his ear. Niall steps back and looks at me, I nod. Kyle stands up as Niall and I walk out of the house door. We throw my suitcase in the back and get into the car. Kyle attempts to throw what's left of his last beer bottle at Niall's car but it misses and Niall backs out of the drive way.

"Are you okay?" I ask Niall. I look over to see him hard faced.

"I'll be alright. It just pisses me off that he had the balls to hit someone like you. What if he had hit you again if I wasn't there? I can't even." He sighs out. I nod and look out the window. 

"Niall?" I say


"Why do you care?" I ask him slowly. I don't want to sound rude, because I'm glad he cares, I just don't understand why.

"'Cause I can't stand the thought of someone as beautiful as you being hit by a low life asshole. You deserve so much better than that. I know we just met, but if you were with me I could give you so much more. I'd never hurt you or hit you. I'd thank God everyday for giving me one of his angels. I just- It just pisses me off." He fumes. My cheeks turn red at his words. 

"Thank you," I smile. He looks at me, blushing lightly, and smiles back. Before I know what I'm doing, I lean closer to Niall. I forget everything going on, it's just him and me. He keeps his hands on the wheel and his eyes on me and I get closer. Just as I'm about to press my lips against his. Everything goes black from the car that has just hit us. 

A/N: Thank you for reading c; <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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