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The Sister woke up in her room. She was so cosy but her head felt fuzzy. Someone was rubbing her shoulders with strong hands and she arched into the touch. It felt so good, and she sighed. She shifted and realised she was propped up on her bed, but she was leaning on a warm body. She flinched as she heard harsh voices across the room. When she opened her eyes and blinked a few times to focus, her heart started to race.

The fire ghoul and another massive ghoul were having some kind of heated exchange in Ghoulish. She couldn’t understand the words, but the tone was obvious. The slightly taller ghoul, the one with the glowing green eyes, stared down the fire ghoul as he spoke, forcefully conveying the words and facing him off. The fire ghoul looked like he was barely restraining himself from lunging, and his fiery eyes were volcanic with rage.

She tried to sit up, but the strong hands behind her stopped her. She turned her head and looked up into the masked face of the quintessence ghoul. His purple eyes flashed brighter when he noticed she was awake. She started to tremble and he petted her shoulders, feeling warm tingles coming from the places where their skin met. She relaxed into his touch again and sighed.

“She’s awake. In English now,” he said harshly to the others. He had the same strangely seductive accent that the fire ghoul had. The Sister looked at the two standing ghouls and they had both gone silent, training their unnerving stares on her. They seemed to take up most of the space in her small room and her heart rate picked up again.

The fire ghoul looked her up and down and she shivered at the memory of what had just happened in the corridor. His eyes seemed to burn her flesh wherever they lingered. The Sister's hand subconsciously went to her abused throat and she swore that she saw that mischievous smile in his eyes again. Her cheeks flushed and she became painfully aware of the sting and the wetness between her legs that he’d left behind. Her core gave a reluctant throb and she heard him growl low in his throat. The bigger ghoul, she noticed the symbol for earth on his robes, rumbled a warning growl at him and then met her eyes.

“You passed out, Sister. I’m afraid my brother here,” he growled out the word ‘brother,’ “cannot control his impulses and you lost a lot of blood.” The earth ghoul slid his gaze to the fire ghoul who clenched his fists and tensed, but didn’t stop staring at her. “It was necessary for quintessence to heal you. Thankfully, this time, he got to you before it was too late.”

The fire ghoul turned to the earth ghoul and looked as though he was going to start arguing again, but the earth ghoul raised his hand to silence him. He leaned in to the fire ghoul and his deep voice gave her chills. The threat in his words was evident and it sent goosebumps skittering over her skin.

“Do not even go there. I warned you already tonight to calm yourself. Go and clean up your fucking mess,” he gritted out as he gestured to the Sister.

The earth ghoul turned and stormed out of the room. The door slammed behind him, and then there were three of them. The fire ghoul growled, it caused all the hairs on her skin to raise. It was like a wolf’s threat; it was low and the sound barely carried, but she felt it in her bones.

Claws gently scraped the skin of her neck and it drew her attention to the quintessence ghoul at her back once again. The movement of his fingers also drew the gaze of the fire ghoul who stepped forward towards the bed. He stopped at the edge and raked that hot stare down her body.

“Take it off,” he rasped in that hoarse voice of his as he nodded his head towards her.

“W...What?” she stammered out. She felt the claws stroking her neck fall still and heard a weary sigh from behind her.

“Earth said to clean up my mess. Take it off or I will rip it from your body.”

She shivered at the promise of that, but obediently moved her shaking hands to the button of her skirt. The ghoul behind her let her go and she pushed herself up. Her head was still fuzzy and she could feel the warm glow of the communion drugs still in her system. The tingle of healing magic from the quintessence ghoul was a welcome sensation. She shimmied out of her skirt and dropped it to the floor at the side of the bed. The ghoul’s eyes shifted downwards and she heard him inhale again. A shudder wracked his large frame and he looked her in the eye.

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